Chapter Ten

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*Levi's POV*

That giant blonde oaf was too cheesy for my liking. He just came outright to these poor girls, inviting them to meet their doom sooner rather than later.

Sure, they were both amazing at using their equipment but it takes a lot more than that to slay real titans. Honestly, that was not enough.

"I witnessed y/n for only a moment, but it was enough time to see her take a branch to the face. Don't you think we should see them perform their other training before you start throwing out offers, sir? " I asked him with what I hoped had no hint at my annoyance with him. I looked over at the girl as I said this and her face had turned red in the cheeks and contorted a look of embarrassment.

"There's plenty of time to improve all other aspects of their training, that is, if they even need the help in those areas. I'm sure one of us could give them any guidance necessary." He replied without even looking over at me. He was still keeping eye contact on the girls in front of him.

I noticed him holding eye contact with y/n specifically. The glint his eyes were a familiar sight to me. I had seen him give her a once over before we walked over, and now he hasn't looked away from her. He has always been such a flirt with most women he met. He would spend his time complimenting them and encouraging them to be there best only to later attempt to get them into his bed.

I don't care what he does in his free time, but if he slept with every girl he met there was a chance it could come back and bite him in the ass. Then in turn, he could ruin the scouts reputation, so I had to try and put him in his place sometimes.

"Are they even old enough to have a drink at a local pub? We don't need children joining the scouts." I always said this to him because this was a key way to find out if they were still children and to hold my boss, and friend, at bay.

The curvier girl put a strand of her h/c hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear. "Well, sir, Mikasa is only fifteen, but I would definitely join you guys at the pub. I turned eighteen a few months ago." Y/n responded back wholeheartedly. Her smile was a shy one, probably because she's hoping that was the correct response.

Erwin laughed robustly at her response. "If you join the scouts we will definitely be getting a few pints together." Fuck, she walked right into his trap. The smile that graced her lips was one of pure happiness that she had heard this from the man she had hoped to later call her Commander. She was too sweet to realize what he had really meant of what he said, I'm sure of this.

"I guess I'll join, too." I said as I rolled my eyes at my best friend and his antics and looked back at the two women that stood in front of us. "Honestly, you both have good enough ODM skills to join, so you should consider the scouts. But remember this, there is a very high risk of death in the field with us. You will be outside the wall and see titans most of your time. Keep that in mind when your time to decide comes." Mikasa nodded in response, keeping quiet the whole time.

"Thank you for that reminder, Levi. Mikasa, y/n, think it over and remember the invitation is there when you've graduated." He saluted the girls and walked off to talk to some of the other trainees. He thinks he's so smooth. I rolled my eyes this time, not holding back or caring if the trainees saw my annoyance.

I wonder why this girl was hanging out with the trainees that were younger than her, I'm sure there were some closer to her age and maturity. She's a woman surrounded by immaturity and puberty. She was a beautiful person surrounded by awkward facial hair and acne. Wait, I need to stop thinking like this. Oh fuck, I'm staring.

"Until later, soldiers." I said flatly as I turned swiftly to followed Erwin to wherever he may go.

As soon as I caught up with him I continued. "Erwin, you really need to stop flirting with the soldiers. It's unbecoming of a commander."

He smirked at the thought. He would never let anyone but his second in command know what he was really thinking. I really wish I didn't know the all of his thoughts. "Honestly, Levi, there is no reason to be such a prude. A man needs to get laid sometimes, you should try it one day. As far as I'm concerned, that woman is the most beautiful and voluptuous creature I have seen in months."

"Please stop talking about her like that. She is a human being just like the rest of us. Just trying to make it to the next day without dying." I honestly wanted to puke at his words. He has no self control when it comes to a pretty face, never mind a great body.

"Lighten up, it was just a little light hearted flirting. Nothing will probably come out of it. Unless, you were upset because you had your eyes on her?" Erwin retorted with only a quick glance in his general direction.

"Tch." Was all I could muster in response to my friend. He was pissing me off. The audacity of it all made me walk away from him to head back to camp. I had had enough of his company for a while.

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