Chapter Eighteen

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The doctor's visit went well. He said that my dad was healing at a good rate, but he was still very weak.

The crutches that the doctor had crafted were the perfect height and he only needed a few practices of standing up on the one leg and getting them in the right spots before he was flying. And by flying, I meant he'd go a few feet and then need a break.

He had spent the last month or so mostly bed ridden so it was totally understandable. The doctor told him to start slow with short distances. There was no rush. But, he also knew my dad, and he knew that he was eager to get things back to normal.

Even after the good doc and I both explained why he needed to take it slow, he still didn't seem to process it. His eyes just glazed over at the words "muscle degeneration".

It's been two days since we saw the doctor and my dad was already trying to go down the stairs on his crutches by himself. I was not happy to hear the thudding while I was sleeping and he knew it. I know he won't listen so I just keep letting him do what he wants.

After that this woke me up, I got up and watched the sunrise with him. After a good breakfast I went to go work on the house chores.

I was outside in the garden when I heard galloping. It was still pretty early in the morning so the sun was rising behind the person and all I could see was a slight silhouette.

The doctor had said he'd come back in a week, so I was confused and worried why he was back here so early. After cleaning up one of the patches of strawberries I got off the ground and wiped off my knees. I was not prepared for visitors and my outfit was dirtier than I'd like.

I look like absolute garbage because I was planning to take a shower after I finished tending to my mother's plants. So, in an elegant fashion, I ran my ass inside and called out for my dad.

"I think the doctor is coming here! I heard and saw a horse a ways off!"

"Already?" He yelled from the loft.

"I don't know why, but I'm going to clean up really quick. Think you can get down here to get the door?" I said half jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny. I'm pretty sure I can get down there in the next ten minutes." I laughed to myself at his over exaggerating response. Now that he's become more mobile his mood has lightened up tremendously.

I grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom to get myself cleaned. I usually like to enjoy my time, but I also wanted to be there to hear anything the doctor had to say about my dad's progress and exercising regiment.

As soon as I got done cleansing every crevice of dirt I hopped into a long skirt that I hadn't worn since before I left my home. I hadn't grown but maybe an inch since before so it still fit nicely, if not better.

It was a light yellow flowing material that I had grabbed from the market and made for myself. And then I threw on a simple white short sleeve v-neck shirt with a cute brown vest to go over the top over top. The vest also was a few years old and it showed. I noticed that it seemed to push my breasts together and lift them more than they usually were. If I were wearing something lower cut I would deem this to be too scandalous for the poor old man just coming to check on my dad, but it wasn't so I thought it to be fine.

After I had gotten my boots on I put on a small silver necklace to finish it off. My hair was still pretty damp so I put it in a ponytail to tame it while it dried.

As soon as I felt ok in my appearance I made my way back to the front of the house. I didn't find anyone in the living room so I headed to the kitchen. I saw all the dogs gathered around the table and then heard some chatting so I knew I was headed to the right place.

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