Chapter Thirteen

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*Levi's POV*

After that horribly confusing sight I witnessed, Erwin gathered all the Scouts to grab onto Eren and bring him to the cells beneath the military base in Trost. Everyone was hesitant after seeing that brat come out of the titan that was slumped in front of the boulder. But I threatened them and they stepped up in response.

Now, me and Erwin are looking at Eren's limp body that we set on a bed. We have him shackled so that he can't do anything. I was informed about everything from Commander Pyxis and now I'm pissed that we missed it all for a failed expedition.

This loud twerp can shift into a titan with just the bite of his hand? What kind of shit is this? Honestly, I would rather just kill him now. I don't know how to do it, but I'm willing to do it just for everyone's safety. My friend is staring at his hand that's holding the necklace the boy was wearing. It has a key strung on it.

According to Mikasa it unlocks the basement beneath Eren's house under his house back in Shiganshina. Erwin looks like he's plotting something, and it makes me nervous. His scheming is too fast for me to following half the time. But I'm sure this makes him want to reclaim Wall Maria even more than before.

Eren slowly reclaims consciousness in from of us. Startled by the chains and the dim lighting he found himself in. "What the hell?!" He screeched at his restraints and then notices us.

"You've made quite a mess boy. The world doesn't know what to do with you since you hid the fact that you're able to turn into a titan. Most people want to kill you." I started at the bug eyed boy sat against the wall across the hall from me.

"I- I didn't know! You have to believe me!"

"Save it. It doesn't even ma-"

"Eren, you are being tried for treason by the high court in the capitol. I know that the MPs want to do testing on you, but I think if we do everything right, we can get them to agree to let you to join the Scouts and have Levi keep an eye on you." Erwin interrupted before I could scare the kid more than he already was.

They kept their conversation going so I decided to walk away. I walked up the stairs out of the basement to go find the kid's friends. I have to know what they know.

They were all seated at a table that had been placed in the supply room above the barracks to keep them close by. I know y/n and Mikasa, but I didn't know the dainty blonde boy.

"We need more information. Tell me everything from the beginning of the day and before if it pertains to your friend's current circumstance." I sat on the side that had a vacant seat.

They looked like prey that was about to be slain. I looked at all of them, hoping someone would speak up on their own.

The boy was the first one to say something to me. "Honestly, we told you everything we already knew. We didn't know he was capable of this until half a day ago."

"Armin is telling you the truth. He didn't tell us anything. And I believe him when he says he didn't know he could do this. He wouldn't hide something like this from us." Mikasa whispered while she stared at the table. "Please tell us he's going to be okay?"

"I can't do that. There are some very high up people that want his head." I blankly stated to them. They deserve the truth no matter how hard it is to hear. Y/n was looking directly at me and I met her watery eyes. Shit, I hate when women cry around me. Before either one of us could say anything we were interrupted.

"Captain! Sorry to interrupt, but we finally started going through the letters that we received this morning and I have one with y/n l/n's name on it." The cadet said while rushing over to the table. He ran away as soon as he could to avoid the Captain's glare that was getting more prominent as he got closer  to them.

The letter was for her, so I handed it over the table. Her fingers grazed mine as she grabbed hold with both of her hands. Her fingertips were warm despite the chilly basement they were in.

I kept my eye on her as she opened it. She tore it open unceremoniously, and grasped the sheet of paper. The look on her face when from sadness to terror in an instant. I didn't think it was possible for her to look worse than she already did. No one seemed like they wanted to ask what it said, so I took the leap for them.

"What's the letter say, cadet?" With the waterworks on full display she met my eyes again.

"My dad got hurt really bad. It was an accident he had while working in his shop. He's alive, but he's unable to move out of his bed. One of the townspeople wrote this letter, because he couldn't. They want me to come home to help him, no one else knows everything like I do."

She looks defeated. I know that face all too well, although no one has seen it from me since I lost my comrades on my first expedition. She's too fresh to this all to handle this on her own, and I can't expect her to stay here when her father needs her. "Y/n, I understand the position you're in is tough, but if you leave us to go tend to your father we can no longer consider you a cadet."

They all looked at me now incredulously with my statement. I was doing this for her. If she left and still remained a part of the Corps the higher ups would consider her an abandoner and then she would be wanted. This was the only way to make sure she could take all the time she needed and not harm her in anyway.

"I understand..." She whimpered as she stood from the table we all sat at, "My father needs me, I'm sorry you guys." She scooted the chair back under the table and looked at us.

"I will have Jean escort you back to your town. These two need to be witnesses to Eren's trial in a few days. Jean isn't needed for a week now that he's officially a Scout." Her face contorted into one of annoyance. Apparently she didn't like that Jean boy?

"Fine. I'm so sorry, Mikasa, Armin. I want to be there but-"

Say no more." The blondie spoke over her and got up to throw her into a hug. "You have more important things to do. Give Kanu belly rubs for me?" She nuzzled into his neck and nodded her head at the same time. Mikasa and I sat there awkwardly while watching their embrace. I wish I could hug her. What the fuck, stop it brain.

With that embrace, I watched as y/n gracefully left us alone. Who knows when any of us will see her next?

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