Chapter Fourteen

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*y/n POV*

I told everyone I would leave the next day so that I didn't have to travel at night. I needed to catch some z's after the day we had. It didn't work very well, but Jean and I left at dawn despite that.

I can't believe I finally get to go back home, and it's to take care of my dad. I signed out loud as I sped up my horse to get back to him quicker.

"Hey, Beartrap, you need to slow down a bit. We don't need to be tiring out the horses. I know you want to get back there, but it's only four hours at the steady pace we had set." Jean yelled over my dramatic sighs.

"Do you think you could call me by my normal name sometimes? Honestly, That would be so nice to hear instead of fucking 'Beartrap'. That makes me sound like a beast."

"Well, you are a beast, just not in the way you're thinking. You've got a strong drive and determination." He replied as I slowed my horse back down to stay next to my partner.

"Wow that sure sounds like a compliment."

"Hey, I'm full of surprises. Anyways, you've also got some huge thighs that I would love to be squeezed between. I bet you're a beast in that way too." He looked over and y/n seemed unimpressed. "What?"

"... There you go ruining it."

"I'm just saying! I'm sure you're a virgin still, so if you need someone to lose that to, just holler at me. They call me Horseface, but they don't know that I'm like a horse in other ways."

I sighed even louder. We still had two hours left before we reached my town. I don't know if I'll make that with this shithead next to me. I swear, if I had time to kill I would get off this horse and kick the crap out of him, but I have more important things on my mind. At least him immature antics were distracting me some from what's coming.

"I bet you're still a virgin too. You talk too much shit. I'm guessing it's all a ruse to get everyone off your trail." He gasped at this, but didn't deny it.


After another hour and a half we were there. We tied up our horses one the gate near the front of the house and I guided my guest to my house. As soon as I open the door, we are bombarded by my babies. "Hi everyone! Oh my god I've missed you so much!" I took in all their love and let them tackle me to the floor.

"Why do you have so many dogs?!" Jean screeched while rushing into my house to try and avoid them, but they followed him and started sniffing and jumping all over him.

While he dealt with their onslaught of love I was determined to go see my dad. As I approached his door, Helga, a lady that frequently helps the town doctor, came out. She smiled at me and rested her hand on my shoulder as we walked past each other. No words needed to be said.

I opened the door back up and saw my dad on his bed. He looked awful. His right arm was cut up and his left had a cast. Then I noticed his legs. The left one was also casted, and his right leg was missing halfway down his calf. I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense that this was my fault.

"Hi sweetie. You've grown up so much. And you look so strong. If I had seen you in town I don't know if I would've recognized you." I rushed over to his right side as to not land on top of the casts. I threw him into an embrace stronger than I ever have before.

"I'm so sorry! I wish I had been here to help you!" He couldn't lift his left arm over to me but he turned his head over and continued.

"You haven't done anything wrong. I am just so glad to finally see you! Who would've thought I'd have to get hurt for you to come see me? If I had, I would've done it much sooner." He chuckled to himself. That dark sense of humor was showing, that's how I knew he was mostly okay in that crazy head of his.

"Well, I'm here now."

"Did you bring the others with you? I miss their bickering and smiles so much." His face was so soft just thinking about those three. They really became a part of our family in the few months we were with them before we all left.

"No she didn't sir, but she brought me." Jean stated proudly as he walked into my dad's room. I turned around and glared at the tall idiot that pranced in.

"Oh, are you my y/n's boyfriend? She didn't say anything about it in the letters she had sent me."

Jean stood next to me when I leaned up to shoo him out of here, but before I could do so, he was grabbing onto my shoulder and turning me to face my dad. He put his hand on my waist and proudly stated. "Mr. L/n, I would love to be this beautiful woman's man, but she just doesn't seem to see the same thing in me that I see in her. The name's Jean, by the way." He pointed his thumb back at his chest.

I ripped his hand off my side and elbowed him in the gut. He spat out in reflex. "He wishes. Jean here is part of my regiment and was assigned to come with me to make sure I made it to you. He and I were top of the same class."

"Well... ," My dad scoffed at the mad lad that was trying to catch his breath, "She could do worse if she did chose you. I'm not surprised that she denied you, though. She's always been a strong independent young woman."

*Wheeze* "Yes, she sure is, sir."

"Jean, you may leave now."

"Geez, fine, I'll go back downstairs and hang out with your dogs. At least they want me here." He stalked out and I rolled my eyes.

My dad's chuckle was the same as I remembered it, but he seemed so much older underneath it all. I've missed him tremendously, and know that we will have plenty of time to talk about everything after I get settled.

"I'll be back shortly. Do you need me to grab you anything?" He reached for the cup that was empty with his free hand and I nodded.

"I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, dad. Get some sleep while I'm gone."

I walked out and closed the door slowly as to not draw the attention of the dogs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I found Jean laying on the floor letting all of the dogs climb atop him. He didn't notice me come down so when I started talking he seemed surprised.

"We have a spare room if you'd like to stay the night."

"I'm afraid of the dark, can I stay with you?" He asked innocently, but held a smirk across his long face.

"Don't test me, I know where my dad hides all of our weapons."

He stood up and walked over to me. He was a good six inches taller than me. With his serious face he loomed over me, about a foot away. I had never spent time alone with him in my own home so I was a little more nervous.

"Why don't you like me? I've heard others talk about how cute of a couple we could be. The two of us got great scores on our tests, and we are both attractive as hell." He still held that same serious look on his face the whole time. I can't tell if he's messing with me. Either way, I have heard this same thing from other people.

"You're a narcissist. That's why. You think you're hot shit and I could never see past that."

"Are you sure I can't change your mind?" He said as he groped my ass. I've never had a single person touch me like that. It felt nice, but it was not the right person so I grabbed his arm and knocked him to the ground.

I walked away from him while he rubbed his head in the spot that had hit the ground harder than I intended. "I'm sure. Now, your room is the second door on the left and the bathroom is the first on the left."

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