Chapter Twelve

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"Eren!" Mikasa screamed out when she used her gear to get down to him. He was surrounded by steam and his face had these crazy marking under his eyes. There were pieces of muscle coming off of his body and he didn't even seem conscious. I think I'll just leave her to deal with that.

Armin was leaning against the building we set atop of. The look on his face was one of pure horror, and I know that's where I was needed.

His skin glistened in the midday sun, both from sweat and what looked like tears. I went and sat down next to him with my back against the wall. I left no space between us and put one arm around his tense shoulders.

"He's dead, y/n. Eren saved me from a titan and got eaten instead of me. I was too weak to do anything, I just froze." He wheezed into my chest as he dampened the whole front. He was shaking and I didn't know how to console him, let alone tell him that Eren was just pulled out of a titan's body.

So, I pulled his face with both of my hands so that he was looking back at me. His face was inches from mine and he looked shocked. I had managed to pull him out of his sob fest long enough for me to speak and know he'd hear me. "Listen here, you did everything you could. I know that this day is not going the way any of us had expected, and that's a fact.

"But, just because you couldn't save someone doesn't make you weak; it makes you human, just like me." I smiled wholeheartedly back at his face. Before I knew what was happening, I was pushing his hair off his forehead and giving him a sweet kiss to show him I meant everything I said.

"Oh, by the way, Eren is in that body of the abnormal that was screaming an kicking the shot out of all the other titans. He's being grabbed by Mikasa right now."



It's been a few hours since we all found out about Eren's titan shifting ability. Not much has happened. Oh, expect for the four of us almost got blown to bits by the Garrison squad that cornered us, Eren protected us from canon fire by shifting into half of a titan on will, and then Commander Pyxis, who none of us had seen since that day we were picked up from my hometown, decided we were going to use Eren to plug up the wall again.

Armin came up with the brilliant idea to get Eren's titan to pick up a huge bolder on the far side of the city and use it to plug up the gaping hole where the gate used to stand. And now, Eren, Mikasa, and I were following a squad from the same Garrison folks that tried to blow us up to that rock.

I can't believe how huge this thing is. It was bigger than the houses that were built around it. The titan he turned into was only fifteen meters at best. The plan seems easy enough, we just need to protect him while he carries I over.

I looked over to Eren as he bit his thumb with so much force it bled. I caught myself flinching in sympathy pain for him, but it did the job. He was on the ground and manifested the same titan he had hours ago. It was more terrifying than all the regular titans we had killed today.

His jaw is full of teeth from one end to the other with no lips hiding his grin. His dark brown hair was longer than Eren's and blew in the wind. The titan itself was ripped. I had never seen a titan have abs before, they were all just blobs of flesh that reminded me of humans in some ways.

"Eren! Is everything okay?" Mikasa yelled at it. Within a moment, the titan turned around and lunged at her with its left fist. It only met the rooftop of the building she was once standing on, she had nearly escaped the surprise attack. I ran over to her and grabbed her elbow to help her back up to standing position.

"Oh my god, are you alright? What has gotten into him? I thought Armin said he was fully aware of us."

The head of our squad flew over and landed on a higher part of the roof. "I signaled that this mission ahs been a failure. I am not losing anyone else because of this fucked up situation. Return to the wall immediately."

"No, we're going to stay and see this through. He's our friend." I yelled at the white haired lady with glasses. I honestly didn't even catch her name, my brain is still processing everything happening around me.

"Fine, suit yourself." She said and started heading in the opposite direction.

We started at Eren and he took another swing at us. We dodged that one easily and I noticed his hands. He was hitting the building so hard that his hands fell off.

"Y/n! Mikasa! What happened? I saw the yellow smoke and had to see for myself!" Armin hollered at us as he used his gear to get himself closer to us. After he landed on the roof next to us, he looked at what he knew was his friend.

Without a second thought, he flew himself onto Eren's shoulder, where he was now slumped over doing nothing. Steam coming out of his extremities while he regenerated. Mikasa and I gave each other a quick glance and looked back to see Armin stick one of his blades into it's nape.

"Armin you're going to kill him!"

The titan started roaring as it came back to life. A new surge of energy seemed to be alive in his eyes. We watched in awe as Armin balanced himself on the titan's back while it screamed in every direction. After it's settled down, me and Mikasa were flying over to them. We stood on each of his shoulders and began talking to him.

"Hey, Eren, it's y/n. Don't forget about the mission. We need you to plug the wall. There are titans getting in and we haven't evacuated everyone."

Mikasa continues after me, "The city is exposed to Wall Maria, it's a repeat of what happened to us three years ago in Shiganshina. You're the only one that can save us right now. Please, pick up the boulder and seal the gate!"

At that, he howled even louder and bent over to try and grab the large piece of sediment. We hopped off his shoulders and watched as he picked it up. I am so proud of him! Now, I need to get ready to kill any titans heading our way. I'm sure his screaming drew their attention.

Some others had gathered around and were helping us. We're slicing napes of the titans left and right. Flying through the city isn't much different than being in the woods. I got my stride and flew ahead of him so that I could stop all the ones in the path.

After a few minutes of this, we are at the gate. Eren drops the boulder and it fits like a glove. I see the green smoke come up in all directions, signaling to the Commander that the mission was actually a success.

Eren's titan collapsed after exhausting all it's strength carrying that across the town. Armin was up to his nape in no time helping him down. As the steam released around his neck we saw his limp body get cut out from the gross muscles attached to him. I flew up there to help but they were back down by use quickly.

As we all gathered on the ground to celebrate we heard two more titans running at us. We sure have some shitty luck. There aren't any building for us to grab onto. I am surely having a panic attack now. This was a time for us to be happy, not to get eaten by two tall ass titans that were picking up speed at the sight of us.

In a literal flash, we saw someone come from nowhere and slice both of their necks and the titans almost fell on us. Their face was casted in the shadow of the setting sun so I started moving closer to them.

"Care to explain what the fuck is going on here?" He said in that deep monotone voice I remember. "Y/n?" He said as soon as he saw me getting closer. Was that concern I just heard? "You know what, never mind. We have all night to talk about what I missed."

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