Chapter 12

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Monday morning, it's been 2 days and my mom hasn't even bothered to show up. Meaning- Dylan had 2 parties for the weekend. And I stayed locked up in my mom's room. I tried to play it cool like Dylan, and act like I didn't care if she was gone.

Gregory, as promised, was waiting for me outside in his cute gray hoodie and jeans. I knew I'd be the ugliest one, so I tried to look decent. I wore a button up shirt, light blue. I tucked it into my pre-ripped skinny jeans, and my hair slightly straightened, just to keep it from the frizz.

To keep warm, I wore a small jacket. I think I barely made it passed decent.

"See? You don't look like a sack of dirt." Gregory spoke, before giving me a hug. I loved the way he smelled. I laughed, looking up at him. Then we stared at each other for the longest time ever. But it was nice, because he was just holding me- and smiling. Plus I got to stare into those perfect eyes.

"You know Hazel... we have plenty of time to take a detour." He winked, making me blush. "Whatever." I roll my eyes playfully. "Is that a yes?" Greg asked hopefully. "Depends, where would we go?" "To get something to eat?" "You had me at detour." I smile.

We walked close together, all the way to a donut shop not to far away from the school. We get a coffee to share, and donuts. He insisted that we only use one straw because it would be like a kiss. But I told him to stop flirting because of that girl.

Either way he licked my straw, and threw it. And like the sly bitch he is, licks the whole perimeter of the cup so I can't sip. "What's so special about me that you have to make sure that our saliva is mixed?" I giggle. He places a sweet smile on his face, "Everything."

I just stare at him. I didn't know why. But I couldn't help but hope that girl was me. "I- I mean, everyone is special. In there own unique way." He adds quickly. And my dream is crushed.

"Right." I nod simply. "Aren't you going to drink?" Gregory winked. "Oh shut up." I laugh.


After Algebra, Gregory wrapped his arm around my neck, making butterflies flutter crazily in my stomach.

We looked at each other and smile.

"Ready?" He asked. "No." I sigh. "I told you I'll be right next to you." He pouts. "Doesn't mean you'll give me attention." I shrug. "I thought you didn't like attention." "I like your attention. Most of the time." I smile.

"Where do you guys even hang out?" I asked as we start walking, me snuggling into his chest unknowingly. "You'll see." He said. I swear I felt him hold me tighter. A part of me didn't want this to end honestly. I felt stares. Maybe the girl he likes was super popular... and seeing Gregory holding me was making her jealous.

I removed myself from his warm hold, but that only made me hold his hand. Then we froze like we always do, randomly when we both knew something sparked. "Your hands are small." Greg smiled. We stepped aside from the walking students. "I'm not a big person, obviously" I laugh, blushing slightly. "Why'd you take my arm away?"

"The mystery girl could get jealous." I roll my eyes sarcastically, acting like I was joking. "Mm... you know she looks a lot like you." Gregory said. "Whatever, let's get this over with." I say, not paying to much attention to what he said.

He walked me to the back of school, farther right to where the drug addicts smoked and did all sorts of things. Already two guys and a girl sat there, the girl on a guys lap kissing him. "Her name is Macy." Gregory said softly, then snaked his arm around my waist, again filling me with butterflies.

"Is this everyone?" I ask hopefully. "Hm... they come and go." Greg shrugged. "Good." I laugh. "Be nice" He teased.

"This is Hazel?" The guy who wasn't kissing asked... his tone confused me. "Yes, Hazel meet Darren." Gregory smiled. I only wave, to avoid any voice cracks therefore leading to embarrassment. "Ohh... she's the shy one." Darren said. "It takes her time to get used to her surroundings. That's all. Right Hazel?" Greg asked. "I guess so." I lie. Of course- that was exactly why.

"You have a nice voice, you should use it more often." Darren smiled. Well I guess he's nice. "Thanks." I say stupidly. Why couldn't I compliment back?! Because then I'd say something like 'Thanks, you have a really nice face'. You're welcome.

"Oh- we should sit." Gregory said, "If you want."

"Sure." I say quickly. We sit at a small distance away from Darren, Gregory once again wrapping his left arm around me protectively. "She's not around." He whispered softly then winked at me. I couldn't help but blush red.

"So are you two dating?" Darren asked. We both stay quiet. I wish.... wait no I don't. Yes I do. No I don't. 

"Uh- no." Gregory said, seeing how I didn't respond. " seems like Greg wants to get in your pants, is all." Darren shrugged, causing Gregory to punch him in the arm. "I'm not like you." Greg rolled his eyes while Darren laughs. "I feel the sexual tension he has."

"That's kinda gay, honestly." I giggle. Gregory smiled proudly at me. "Hazel knows what she's talking about." He proudly says.

"I like her." Darren laughed light heartedly. "Thanks." I smile. "Oh so now you have feelings!" Macy finally turns around, catching her breath.

"So now you start breathing!" I laughed at that. "Wait who's this?" The dude asked, lips red. "Hazel, she's kinda quiet but she comes around." Greg said. "Cute name- I'm Ash." "Where's Pikachu?" Oh lord why am I talking this?!

"I'm his Pikachu." Macy states quickly. "Be nice, you're funny, Haze." Ash tells me. Haze... Jonah... Jonah. "Gregory can I go to the restroom real quick?" I ask. I didn't want to lie to him. But Jonas... I just needed to check on him. "Sure. Hurry back, please." He cheekily grinned.

I nod simply and walk quickly to where we would normally hang out. It wasn't too far, but I was anxious and it made it seem like a thousand miles away.

It saddened me, when I got there. He was sitting by himself, earphones plugged in. He stared at the wall as if he were watching a TV show. I sat down with him, I promised myself only for a minute or two.

"Jonah-" "Go away, Hazel." He spoke with no emotion. "Why?" "You're not supposed to be here. Go with Gregory." He shook his head. "Only if you go hang out with the geeks. Or someone."

"There is no someone. I only wanted you. You. And now you're leaving me over someone who doesn't even know your birthday!"

"July 15th, 1998." Gregory spoke. Of course he followed me.

"You should really get to know someone before you start talking shit" "I know Hazel better than you. You haven't been there with her for sixteen years!"

"Didn't have to. It's not the time you've spent. It's how you spend it. And we like to spend it talking... and talking. So much- that I know quite a lot. Almost everything....even about you."

"Oh so now you think you're suddenly more to her than me?!" Jonas stood up, then faced me. "You've known him for like a month or two! Who is going to mean more to you?!"

"Don't put her in that position! Hazel don't answer, you don't have to do anything." "You told me to go away, Jonas." I say softly, starting to walk to Gregory. "Such a good 'best friend'" Gregory said sarcastically. "No- Hazel. Look at me. I'm lonely. Gregory has tons of friends. He doesn't need you." Jonas said. He wasn't wrong...

"Stop putting bullshit inside her head!" Gregory yelled.  Then that's how the fist fight started.


This was long chapter I hope.
I had to end it cause I felt I would bore you to death.
Anyhoo, leave a comment or vote if you'd like and thanks so much for reading♡ Love you all very very much

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