Chapter 27

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Gregory skipped school today, to stay home with me and attend my fucked up head needs. I let him... I was too scared to let him run off again. But I didn't let him see it.
"Tell me if you need anything, okay?" "Gregory, stop being a mom, and be my boyfriend." I laugh. Gregory laughed excitedly. "I love it when you call me your boyfriend." He said with a cheeky grin, as he threw off his shirt.

I roll my eyes playfully, and cuddle up in his arms. My head buried in his neck, as I took in his scent. He held me tight from the waist, and kissed the side of my head, where the stupid glass staked into. "That didn't hurt, right?" He asked. I shook my head, and laughed to myself. Our legs tangled tangled together, and suddenly the cold breeze didn't bother us.

After a long moment of silence, I looked up at him. His green eyes were sparkling, even though the moon was out and not reflecting on him at all. He looked down, catching me stare at him. He slowly grew a grin, and kissed the top of my nose.

"You know... while I was at school- I heard the principal talking about you giving a tour around school to a new guy. Since- your head and all will excuse you from classes suddenly." Gregory explained. "Dammit." I roll my eyes. "What?" "Socializing sucks." I sigh. "I know. I'm sorry." Gregory shugged, with a small pout. "He probably won't even listen to me or care and run off." I say. "You tell me if he does... I'll make him regret it." Gregory growled. "I think it's better if he runs off anyways... but thank you for protecting me." I smile, and wrap my arms around his neck. "Always. Boyfriend or not." Gregory whispered, big grin plastered on his face.

"I love you so much." He told me, "So much."
I gave him a small kiss, loving his soft lips. "I love you too." I say softly. "Oh! That reminds me... how's Dylan?" Gregory asked suddenly.
"I don't know... they won't let me visit. They say the more they work on him, the faster he gets home. So no interruptions." I say.

"Wow. They're really attentive of him." Gregory said. "I'm pretty sure it's my mom. She wants to prove she cares... that she's a good mother." I say, tears suddenly growing.

"She's not." I look down.
"I don't care what anyone has to think. People don't know her like we do."
I sniffle, and look up at a silent Gregory. I knew he was listening carefully. "All her love is fake. She just doesn't want to be alone. But I guess I don't either.
No one does."

"But atleast your love is real." Gregory smiled softly, wiping a half dry tear of my cheek. His hands were so warm.
"It's always been... for anyone who was kind enough to accept it." I smile back.
"Like...." He trailed off. "My... boyfriend." I giggle, making him hold me tighter. "Yes!" He laughed excitedly, sounding like a little boy at a toy store. I closed my eyes softly, and started to feel extremely sleepy.
I hated sleeping before him. I liked when we slept at the same time. "Haze?" He asked. "Hm?" I asked. "Are you going to sleep?"
"Maybe... are you tired?" I ask. "No... not one bit. But I'll help you fall asleep." "N-no. I can stay up." I say. "That's bad for your head... don't do that." Gregory pouts. "I'll be fine." I laugh, running my hand down his cheek. Gregory holds my hand, and gives it light kisses. I was so lucky.

Too lucky.
I just stare as he holds my hand in his so delicately, trying to warm them up. "Do you just like putting your hands in the freezer?" Gregory asked softly, then laughed. "No, weirdo" I smile, "I dunno... they've always been naturally cold."
"I know... I remember once when we were reaching for a notebook when doing the project, I held your hand by accident. And this whole rush swept over me. It was the best feeling."
"Oh yeah! I couldn't move. I was frozen." I blush. "Did you feel it too?"
"I don't know. I was just in shock." I say. "What about now?" He asked softly, and held my recently warmed up hand with his. "Now it just feels... right." I tell him. My hand was a dust mite compared to his. He used his free hand to put my leg up his waist, which we both loved.
I would have kissed him though, but as soon as I blinked, I went out like an old flame.


I haven't updated since 2008

Heyy ya'll ^ _ ^
Yes yes I know this is a fluffly chapter. But I don't want them to break up.
I already know how this story will end so... don't except a happy ending... (;
What do ya'll the new guy will be like?
Will he spit on Hazel?
I hope not.

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