Chapter 28.5

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After school.
I said goodbye to Trevor, him insisting on me giving him a hug. I did, because I did start to trust him.
Who knows, maybe he might be a mistake and leave me.

I gave him my number too, he claimed it was for 'School purposes'. But that was bull.
As for Gregory... I kept really close to Trevor, so that he wouldn't come near me... or even look at me. What was wrong with Trevor? But most importantly what was wrong with Gregory?

About two blocks down, I saw Gregory with a rose in his hand. He was looking down, and rolling his lips. I hate him for being so damn gorgeous.
I sigh, and keep walking.
When I get close, he clears his throat. I refuse to look up.

I felt his hand stop me gently. His hands lifted up my face slowly. "Hazel please don't do this to me." He whispered. "Let me go home." I say. "Hazel I fucked up really bad. Really bad. I'm so sorry that I was being such an asshole to... him. I'll say sorry, or whatever you want. I'll change. Hazel, please." Gregory pleaded, with his almost watery eyes.

I shrug in response, and play with my nails. "What will it take?" He asked. I leaned in, to give him a kiss, signaling I wasn't completely mad.
I kissed him softly, then let go.
"I just need to be alone right now and think. Maybe I'll call you later." I say, looking straight at him. "Oh..." He trailed off, then suddenly turned from desperate to depressed.

"Okay." He said simply. "I'm sorry. It's really not all about what happened with you and Trevor. I just... need to clear my mind."

"Right..." He whispered. I didn't know how to reply. So I just rocked back and forth... and cleared my throat.
"I guess you don't want this." Gregory laughed humorlessly, then snapped the rose stem in half, and threw it in a public trash can beside us. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said, then patted my back.

It stung. Yes I know I'm the one pushing him away. But it still hurt. I looked back, and saw Gregory just smile at my butthurt face.
"You didn't really think I would leave you like that, right?" He asked, then wrapped his arms around my neck.
He kissed my cheek loudly, "I still love you. So much."

"I love you too." I whisper, trying not to show my smile. "I'll text you, okay?" Gregory asked. I nod, and roll in my lips. "Bye, Haze." He kissed my neck one last time before walking away.

I couldn't get the grin off my face. Yes, he got violent- but I really did love him. And maybe I couldn't stop.


I took a trip on the bus to the hospital, and decided I would be courageous, and visit my twin brother.

From the calls I've been getting, Dylan is making great progress.

I walked into the almost blinding white building, and smiled at the receptionist, just get her approval that I can enter.

I continued walking down the hall until I reached his room. I even decorated a name tag for him... which now that I think about it might be embarrassing for him.
He was finally awake, and smiled wide once I came in the room.
He had a few bandages on his face, and was beginning to grow a beard, which made him look way older. But not like- old man old.

"I've never been so happy to see you in my life." Dylan laughed softly, voice croaky.
"Aw, thanks." I giggle, then sat down next to him.
"Hazel?" "Hm?"
"You are so goddamm lucky they didn't shave off your hair to put in those stitches!" He whined.

"I was praying to Jesus that they wouldn't." I laugh, nodding.
"I'm so sick of hospital food... like I'm here, with fucked up bones and they can't even provide a good sandwich." Dylan continues to rant.

"When you come home, I promise you I will buy you five gallons of soda, and cook fifty pancakes." I smile. "Make it one hundred?" He looks up at me and pouts.
"Would you cook one hundred pancakes?" I ask, sarcastic tone.
"...I wouldn't even cook fifty." Dylan scoffed. "Exactly. But I would. So deal?" I ask, batting my eyelashes. "Deal" He smiled.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. "Way better. I'm just... very sore. They said I could come home in like two days." Dylan said excitedly. "That's just perfect. We could spend the weekend doing absolutely nothing together!" I exclaim. "Really?" Dylan light up. "By nothing I mean Netflix and food binge." I clear up.
"Oh, I thought we were just going to lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling from Saturday through Sunday." Dylan sarcastically said.

"If you weren't in this hospital bed I would punch you." I roll my eyes, making Dylan laugh.

Family love c: !
I hope ya'll liked this chapter and the fact that I didn't make Hazel hate Gregory c:
Thank you guys for all the support!
Ily k bai

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