Chapter 17

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It was too good to last. I should have known by now. But I never learned my lesson.

Monday morning, I was walking to school. Gregory lost the bet, and paid up 15 dollars.

When I got there Veronica and the name-less populars were outside, staring at us.

"Ignore them." Gregory whispered.

When we got to the entrance, she placed a slender hand on my shoulder. I froze.

"Oh! Hazel! I never meant to hurt your feelings! I was just saying my opinion out loud. Forgive me?!" She said dramatically. "Uh- s-sure." I said nervously.

"Don't be shy Hazel! We're all friends now!" She laughed. "We really should get going." Gregory interrupted. "No no no! Wait! One more thing!

I'm having a party this Friday. You two are invited. Everyone will be there, it'll be great! Oh and if you need a dress, Hazel, just text me." Veronica winked.

"That's very generous of you, Veronica. I'll think about it." I say, again- my confidence suddenly boosting. "No problem! No hard feelings right?" She giggled before walking off.

Gregory wrapped his arm around my waist, as we walk into this shitty school. As soon as we get there, the football team was cheering loudly and dancing and jumping. The guys were so tall.

"Gregory!" One of them stopped there wild cheers instantly, to speak to him. "Hey Bryan, congrats, I guess?" Gregory said, confused.

"What gave it away?" He asked jokingly, then moved his eyes towards me. "Who's this shorty your holding?" He asked before giving me a wink. "Hazel, she's my girlfriend." Gregory smiled. That must suck to say. "Ahh... you guys coming to Veronica's party? It would make me a lot happier to see an innocent girl in a mini dress." He punched Gregory's shoulder. I let out a laugh and roll my eyes. Gregory first had that jealous type face, but once he heard me laugh, he relaxed and laughed too. "So do I." He smiled. "So we'll see you two there?" "Yeah. Sure." I answer. Bryan takes my hand, and kisses it before getting back to cheering.

Gregory walks me into the lockers, and pressed me up against his body. I felt him smooth down my sides, and his excited smile on his face. "You're chill about almost everything, you know that?" He asked, stealing a kiss after. I laugh, "Is that why you're so happy?"

"Yeah! I love that in a girl." He admits. "Well then you must love me." I cheekily grin. "More than anyone." Gregory leaned in. We kissed for only like 5 seconds before the bell rang for homeroom.

"I'll see you later." I pull away. "K, I love you." He rubbed his nose with mine, making his curls bounce slightly. I giggled, "I love you too."

I found Felicity (The girl who hung out with Gregory at lunch) and she signaled me too walk with her. She was really nice. "Bye." I say softly before we both run to our classes.


"Hey have you seen Hazel?" I asked Tony and Blair (The gayest twins in history).
"Oh no! The last time we saw her was when she walked into the library like 20 minutes ago." Tony said worriedly. "Don't panic, she'll be okay" Blair smiled.

I couldn't find her in any of her classes. We did have some classes together, but our schedules switched sometimes so now I don't. "Thanks." I say before rushing to the library.
As soon as I got there, I heard my girl screaming. And none of the fucking lazy teachers bothered to listen. It came from the girls bathroom.


I try opening the door, but it was locked. "Hazel!" I yell. "Help- me!" I heard her wheezing. "Open the fucking door Veronica!" I pounded on the door. But no one would.

It wasn't until I punched the shit out of the lock that it broke off and opened automatically.
There was Hazel being held by the hair, drowing in toilet water.
Veronica laughed loudly with her stupid sluts, and anger rushed through me rapidly. I grabbed her wrist and pushed her right down to the floor.
Instantly I pull Hazel out, as she barely breathes.

"You almost fucking killed her!" I boom, pumping her stomach.
"Woops" Veronica dusted herself off, "It was just a joke." She shrugged.
"Bullshit!" I yell, as Hazel coughed up water.
"Gregory calm down, she's breathing."
"If it wasn't for me showing up she'd be dead! Fucking psychopath!" I angrily growl.

"Hazel- Hazel breathe." I say softly, as she struggled greatly.

"You've been warned." Veronica stands up, randomly saying it.
Warned for what?! Her group exited. If it was legal, I would've tossed her anorexic body out the window. Hell- I would toss her tombstone at her.

"Gregory." She coughed weakly. "I'll get you too the nurses, Hazel, it's going to be okay." I whisper. I rush with her in my arms, all wet from her hair and clothes. But it didn't matter as long as she was perfectly fine and breathing in rhythm.

As soon as I got there, the nurse just stared at her, bored. "If it doesn't involve an ice pack, I can't do much." She rolled her eyes. She was barely 20 from the looks of it. Her black hair was long, and straightened. She wore the shortest shorts in history, and was caked up with makeup.

"Give me extra clothes." I order frustratedly. "In the drawer. By the way nice voice, it's so... deep." She practically moaned. Welcome to the most shittiest school in history.
"You know if this ever gets out, you'll be sent to jail?" I asked, searching for decent clothes.
"What? It's just a compliment." She shrugged, running her fake nails down my arm. I grabbed it forcefully and swung it back, making her stumble back.

"Haze? You okay?" I ask. "I'm okay." She whispered. No she wasn't. "Leave." The 'nurse' tells me. "Gladly." I roll my eyes before picking her up.

I went to the showers in the boy's locker room, since I played football last year, I managed to get all access to the shower and lockers. "Why are we here?" She coughed up drops of water still. "Shh, just wash off the nasty water, you'll get sick." "W-with my clothes on?"

"I'll look away, I promise. Just take like two minutes." I smile. "Thank you."
"Can you stand up?" I ask. Hazel nodded, as I set her down very slowly. She gets on her feet, and kisses my cheek.

"One moment."

"Oh, I brought you clothes too." I say, as the water runs. "You're so sweet." I heard her laugh slightly. "How did it happen?" I ask.
"I was getting out of class, and she came up to me. She told me that you were waiting for me downstairs, so I followed. Then she slammed me into the bathroom, pulled my hair back, and well... yeah." She finished,  while the water was running.

I punched a random locker, as hard as I could, leaving a large dent and bloody knuckles.
The water shut off, and I passed Hazel a towel. I was dying to hold her, but she wasn't ready. "C-can I step in?" I ask softly. "Uh... okay." She said.

Her gorgeous body was wrapped in a towel, and her hair in strands. I smile and hold her tight. Feeling her bare skin made me crave it even more. I kissed her, and then kissed her again.
Then again, and again until it was just the right pace. Her wet skin was staining my shirt, but I loved it. I rubbed her back, which made her moan lightly.
I loved her so much.

It's like any flaw she had didn't exist. She was funny, beautiful, adorable, athletic (I've seen her run, her legs are so sexy and can run so quick... not that I stare... that much).
She's all I really wanted.

"Gregory I'm sorry but your shirt smells awful." Hazel giggled, pulling away. "Mm don't be rude, babe. I had to carry you for much longer." I wink, slipping off my shirt. I felt her hands on my chest, and it excited me. I know it was a bad time but, I can't help it. She looked up at me, and bit her lip. It was hot. "Uh- look- Gregory" She began. "I love you... a lot. Like- I don't know where I would've been without you." She smiled,

"But... I think we need to break up."


Why do I do this to you ; _ ;
I cri.
Stay tuned for part 2?
I dunno. Hope you're not mad. c:

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