Chapter 4

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Her perfect face looked so empty, so damn hurt.

"I like taking walks at midnight" I smile softly, then turn serious. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing" Hazel lied, shaking her head. I sat down beside her. I wiped a tear from her cheek gently, loving the feeling of her soft skin in contact with mine. "Tell me." I say.

"Oh yeah Gregory like I'm gonna tell you my problems." She rolled her eyes. Ouch.

Now I'm butthurt and obviously showing it, since I quickly looked down at the old wooden bench.

"I mean- I barely know you." She quickly adds. No you don't. I told you everything during that stupid project!

"That's a lie Hazel." I laugh slightly to break the awkwardness. "Huh?" "Never mind. But Hazel I just don't like seeing people like this... which is why I'm asking." I lie.

"Well thanks for caring but... its just kinda weird opening up to someone like you." Hazel shrugged. "And what exactly does that mean?" I cocked an eyebrow.

Hazel smiled softly, "Don't act like you don't know." "I really don't. Tell me" I laugh.

"Take a guess." Hazel rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay... I'm guessing you think I'm some kind of popular jock asshole that sleeps around with every girl, does drugs, parties all the damn time... should I continue?" I asked. "You left out a possible secret rapist and a few others but I'd say yes." Hazel laughed.

"Well you're absolutely correct and the only reason I'm talking to you is because I wanted to hook you up with drugs." I say jokingly. Hazel starts to laugh again, this time a real one and not her awkward nervous laughs. "Well you can leave cause I'm not interested."

I love this Hazel. Love her more than anything.

"Are you staying here all night?" I suddenly ask.

She hesitated to answer but finally said, "Yes."

"By yourself?" I asked. "I don't really care anymore." She frowned. "You can't though." I say softly. "Why not...?" "Its dangerous out here." I gulp. "Well I don't want to run all the way back- I mean-" She paused to look down at her legs, "My home is far from here"

"Why'd you even run away?"

"Gregory I really love that you care. Really. But I have major trust issues... and please understand" She looked up back at me with pleading eyes.

Sadly, I nod- not wanting to trouble her. "Do you need a place to stay?" I asked. "Uh what...?" She let out a small laugh. "No not like that!" I say quickly.

Hazel laughed and tapped my nose, "You should have put it a different way."

My nose is suddenly blushing.

"I'm serious Hazel. I won't try anything- yet." I wink jokingly. "Yeah okay sure." Hazel sarcastically said.

"Hazel please? You'll freeze out here." I held one of her ice cold hands. Let go before she thinks you're too clingy...

Instead she just stares at our connected hands and holds mine tighter. My heart starts pounding against my chest when she gives a small smile. "Fine. But you better not be a serial killer."


His house looked perfect.

There were many red bricks leading towards the light blue home. Right beside them green grass and not one patch of it dry. There were two windows on either side, yellow curtains to cover up. There were no lights on so... creepy.

He opened the tall white front door, slowly and quietly. I couldn't really see the inside. But the moonlight helped me find a few family photos hanging from the light yellow walls.

"My parents are asleep so shh." Gregory says softly. Well I'm not exactly loud...

He leads me down a dark hallway. Goosebumps form on my skin as he placed his hands on my shoulders. He opens another white door with a black handle, then steps out of the way to lead me inside. What the fuck was I thinking?! He's way popular and who knows who's been here?!

The room quickly becomes visible when he switches on the light.

I blink fast, then see his perfectly tidy room. He had a king size bed, black and white covers and pillows. Trophies lined up across the walls of various sports. "Sorry... we don't have an extra room. And I'm not letting you sleep alone and cold on the couch." Gregory said seriously. "Excuses." I giggled.

But I liked Gregory. Even though he probably is the person he says he isn't, he was nice. There you go getting attached again Hazel.

"Well actually..." I trail off. "Yeah?" Greg asked, suddenly all ears. "I've never slept in a room by myself." I admit.

My brother and I always shared a room. Always. And he was over at a friends house I would sneak into my mom's room and sleep with her. I liked having someone else beside me. I just felt safer.

"Never?" He asked, widening his eyes. "Nope." I shake my head. "Would you ever try?" Greg asked. "Depends where I am." I shrugged. Please don't try now... I'm already in a bad mood. "Well you're new here, so I won't test... today." He winked at me. His eyes were so perfect. Bright green, with nothing but happiness and thrill inside.

"Thank you." I smile sweetly. "Are you tired?" Greg asked. Yes I'm about to pass the hell out. "Are you?" I asked. "Well considering my long walk yes." "Good cause so am I." I say relived.

I place my old Converse in a corner of the room, taking off my sweater. When I look back, my legs automatically shut down. Almost at least.

Gregory tossed his shirt into a laundry basket, leaving him to expose his bare chest. Hot damn pockets, look what football does to you. He had perfect muscles, so perfect that they looked carved right into him.

Bad luck was always at my side though, and he caught my big brown eyes staring intensely.

Gregory smiled wide letting out a laugh as I quickly looked away and covered my tomato red face.

"Please don't think I'm weird" I laugh nervously. "Dude- you're adorable." Gregory says amused. "No I'm a weird creep." I state, before he grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face. He lifts up chin slowly so that I got another glimpse at his abs. "I think it's cute." He tells me. "Can you please put on a shirt to stop

further embarrassment?" I beg.

He thought for a second, but responded "Fine"

With that said, I let out a sigh and lay down on the right side of his bed. Gregory opened one of his drawers to retrieve a shirt, before turning off the light.

"I better wake up as virgin as Mary and with no bruises." I warn.

"Hmm.. we'll see" He laughed, jumping onto the bed. He wrapped both of under the warm sheets. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep.


So... how was this? I dunno, I'm so bipolar sometimes. Hope you enjoyed cuz you get to see a little bit more of Gregory's feelings... maybe he had a boner you never know!!!

I'm weird and gross...
-Bambi ♥

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