Chapter 31

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We entered the dark arcade, and my white top instantly illuminated a purple color.
"Woah, look at you all ready to rave." Trevor laughed, "All you need now is a flower crown and some ecstasy." He winked, making me roll my eyes.

"I have no argument." I laugh.

"Before we play any games though, let's make this interesting." He said.
Before I knew, he lifted me off the ground and sat me on a prize counter, that was unattended.
"I could imagine the things I could do to you right here. But that's not the point."

"You're disgusting." I push him, laughing.

"Let's have an air hockey competition." He said, "It'll make the game intense."

"Fine... now let's talk prizes." I laugh evilly.
"Okay" He smiled, "If I win... I get a thirty second make-out session with Hazel." He tapped my nose.
I fake gagged, making him scoff.

"I can't make-out with you... if I win, you will wear a dress and walk around the entire mall for one hour."

"But that's sixty minutes. So I'll have to boost our kiss, which will be a make-out- to sixty seconds." He rolled in his lips. "Trevor I have a fucking boyfriend." I groan.

"Well I have dignity and I'm going to lose it today if I lose the match."
"...Well it is just a bet." I shrug, feeling guilty, but then again feeling guilty around him was somewhat comforting.
"There you go! So... two rounds?" Trevor asked.

I looked into his eyes, and found nothing but rush and hope. Sure his eye's weren't a light color, but they were a deep dark, you could read it instantly.

I fixed a part of his hair that was sticking out then nodded, "Two out of three for each one."
"Shake hands, both of them." He held out both his hands. I grabbed them both and we shook firmly.

"Wait." I say, "What if it's a tie?"
"Hmm..." He trailed off, then frowned in confusion, "What should we do?"
"I'll give you a peck, and you put on mascara and lipstick." I giggle.

"I'll give you a peck and smack your ass... since you know... lipstick and mascara." He winked.
"I hate you... just saying you can wash the mascara out and wipe off the lipstick after taking a picture with me." I say.
"Will you post that picture?"
"...Maybe." I giggle.

"Then... maybe I want a ten second peck." Trevor said, trying to make his part fair as possible.
"Fair enough." I said, then held both his hands out again.
We shook hands again, and Trevor helped me down.

"I forgot how short you were for a moment." He teased.

"Sorry I'm not a girly giraffe, kid." I mutter, making Trevor laugh.

"You can be a girly turtle instead." He pats me head. "Why turtle?" I ask. "You run pretty slow, for starters. Second, turtles are adorable." He shrugs, me rolling my eyes.
"Well c'mon, let's go get coins." I say, hopping off.


Trevor won the first round, but thankfully, I was one point away from winning the second round.
We were both grinning like idiots, trying to keep a game face on but failing.

"Hey, someone's calling you." Trevor pointed behind me.
I stupidly believed him, turning around, just so he could score a point.
"Oh you little bitch." I squinted my eyes, Trevor blowing me a kiss.

I raised my eyebrow, and sighed. I waited a few seconds before swiftly shooting the puck perfectly in, scoring the winning point. Trevor's face expression dropped, and I blew him a kiss back.
"Now I'll never taste the sweet tongue of Hazel." He pouts, "Lips will do... for now."

"You were never going to anyways." I pout jokingly. "Oh yes I was. It was my master plan." He said, before letting out a deep, evil laugh. I shrugged, and walked over to him.
I stretched my arm out to grab his collar, and then pressed his lips to mine. I tapped his shoulder 10 times to signal seconds, and then pulled away.

He looked at me with wide eyes, grinning happily, "I did not expect that to happen."
"Well now it's over with." I fake grin.
"I'll save my ass smack for later."

"Okay make-up time." I clap, and grab his hand. My hand felt ridiculously small, but I didn't mind much since I was dragging him to the restroom.

"You're going into the guys restrooms." Trevor looked down at me.

"What? Why?!" I frown. "Because- if I go into the girls restroom people will think I'm a pervert. But if I bring you in there, guys will think I'm getting it on." He winked, making me laugh softly.

"But you are a pervert, and you're not getting it on." I tiptoe to tap his nose.
"Hazel, I will carry you in there if you won't go in yourself."

"Good, I don't feel like walking." I cross my arms. Trevor gave a shrug, and lifted me off the ground as if I were a feather.

We entered the bathroom which blasted us with super cold air, and the scent of pizza?
The bathrooms were pretty clean- except for the massive amount of wet paper towels thrown on the ceiling.
It was well lit, grey tiled walls, and a small mirror.

Trevor sat me down on the counter with the sink, me setting my purse down and opening to get my makeup.
"Can I give you a teeny bit of eyeshadow?" I smile.
"Absolutely not." He answered sternly.
"You're boring." I frown.
"You know that is nowhere near true." He squinted his eyes.
"I wish you were wrong." I sigh.

He wrapped my dangling legs around his waist, me raising an eyebrow questioningly. "Let it happen." He laughed softly.

"Okay mascara first." I say, taking out my liquid eyeliner.
"Oh- that's mascara?" Trevor asked innocently. "Yeah." I lie, smiling, and start to create his winged line.
"I thought mascara was for eyelashes though."
"No that's eyeliner." I say, acting confused, covering where it said "eyeliner" on the tiny bottle.

I finished his eyeliner, honestly he looked hilarious yet fabulous. His eyes looked even darker.
"Do you want dark lipstick or bright?" I ask, Trevor placing one of his hands in mine suddenly.
"I don't know Michelle Phan, what do you suggest?" He rolled his eyes, making me laugh.
"I, Michelle Phan suggest a bright color to match your attitude." I say sarcastically.
"Fuck my life." He groaned, as I took out my bright pink lipstick.
I let go of his hand to better apply it, and wiped off any excess makeup.

"Ready for the perfect selfie?" I pull out my phone, giving him a cheeky grin.
He shook his head and laughed. I opened my camera app, and Trevor's eyes widened. "Oh please don't post any pictures of me."

"Shh, smile." I say, giving a small grin, Trevor coming out with a tiny smirk.
I hopped down the counter, and Trevor quickly got to scrubbing violently.

"You're gonna hurt yourself, let me help you." I giggle, getting a brown paper towel and wetting it. I patted my lap to position him in front of me again, and gently started wiping all of it off. "You know, this was not cheap."
Trevor rolled his eyes and laughed.

Once I got 80% of it off, I hopped off the counter and walked with him to exit the restrooms. As I opened the door I felt his hand harshly hit my butt. I quickly turned to face him with a frown.
"I couldn't save it much longer."

It has taken me so long to write another chapter and I am super sorry! I hope to change that though because this book has gotten a lot of attention for some reason cx
Don't be shy and vote, comment or whatever c:

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