Chapter 5

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I got up a bit earlier to freshen up.

Gregory never noticed and was still in his deep sleep. So to cover up I went back to sleep and let him wake me.

Twenty minutes later, Gregory shook me up a bit, waking me straight up.

"Got cold?" He winked, seeing how our bodies were molded together. I instantly froze. Holy shit what am I doing?!

I felt myself turn red and doing my stupid nervous laugh. Gregory smiled sweetly, placing his hand in mine. "I wasn't suggesting that you move."

I didn't know how to respond like a normal human being, so I mirror his smile and nod. "You hungry?" Greg asked. Yes and I'll eat your family if you don't feed me. What the hell Hazel...?!

"Yeah but don't worry about it. I'm gonna go soon." I say, finally finding my English. "So soon?" "Well I mean- what will I do here?" I asked curiously. "You could keep me company" Gregory laughed. "You have plenty of friends for that Gregory." I roll my eyes. Its either a female low life with no friends or a girl with a perfect body and a low IQ. You pick.

"But your my favorite friend." Greg smiled. "I doubt that greatly." I roll my eyes playfully. Suddenly a loud and desperate knock echoed through the quiet halls. "Be right back" Greg let go of my hand.

I can't believe what I'm saying but I missed his warmth on my body. I felt cold now, and worst of all alone.

I heard footsteps getting louder and louder with every step.

"What the hell dude?!" Greg shouted, before the door busted open.

Jonah was all bruised, a black left eye, cuts all over his face. But still, his eyes filled with joy when he saw me sitting on Greg's bed. Mine were filled with terror.

"Oh thank god, Hazel!" He cried, wrapping his arms around me.

"Don't ever leave like that!" He said into my shoulder, crushing my body. I wanted to ask him so many things right that moment, but I knew he just wanted to hold me, thanking God that I'm with him.

"Do you know how dangerous that is Hazel?! You could have been kidnapped or worse!" Jonah scolded. "Can you not be my Mom for two seconds? I have many to ask you too" I laugh slightly. I don't know how to behave in this situation.

"We're going home right now." Jonah told me.

But Gregory...

He doesn't need your stupid ass here Hazel. He's got plenty of brainless girls to have over.

I let go of Jonah, then walked over to a dead silent Gregory. He looked so hurt and I don't even know why. "Thank you soo much for having me over." I say to him, trying to find his eyes. "And saving from possible rape."

Gregory only laughs, "You're very welcome Hazel" But he never faces up, just down.

"I'll see you at school maybe...?" I say hopefully. "Of course." He small smiles. I stretch out my arms, signalling I wanted a hug. He finally looks up with his green eyes and stares in confusion. "I usually give the hugs out"

"I owe you something." I giggle, as he leans in for a hug. "What about a tiny kiss?" He jokingly asked. "Hazel can you hurry up?" Jonah sighed. So I kissed my hand and placed it on his cheek. "Bye Greg." I smile.

Jonah carries me out the door, holding me close. I felt bad for leaving Gregory... but why? He won't even remember me at school... let alone talk to me. He doesn't give two shits. That's how it will always be. This was all just charity.

We exited the perfect, warm house to the dangerous outside. The sun was still rising, but only had a few minutes to fully rise.

He sat me on the sidewalk right in front, which was stupid because it's right in front of Gregory's house. "We both need to catch up, and fast" Jonah told me. "Okay well first of all how the hell do you know where Gregory's house is?!" I yelped.

"I didn't. Until I saw a chick who I knew was popular and asked her." "How'd you know I'd be here?" I ask.

"Hazel, I've been looking for you all fucking night!" Jonah raised his voice, "You wouldn't believe how hard I searched or cried! But then I remembered you talking to him and this is was my last hope."

"All night...?" I trailed off. "Yes! I finally gave up around like four in the morning, but then I got jumped so I basically slept ten minutes." He shrugged. "Jumped?!" "Yeah..."

And there I was perfectly fine in Greg's house, warm and safe. Why didn't I just stay at his house? My best friend could have been actually killed... Who's fault was it? Hazel's. (The Fault In Our Stars half reference get the hell outta here... just kidding I love you so much Tfios :c)

I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, oozing happiness that he was still here. And that he didn't give up on me... he didn't let me go no matter what mood I was in. "I'm so sorry Jonas. So sorry" I whisper, letting a tear fall from my eye. "Maybe it is better if you move to Florida."

I'm dangerous... in a weird way.

"Dude don't talk like that." He says softly, before lifting up my chin slowly. He pecked my lips like he always does when I cry, in attempt to cheer me up. I held onto the kiss longer than I should have. But it was because I was so damn proud he's here.


So... things happened ._.!

How do you guys like Greg...? Jonas? Hazel?!

A vote would really make me extremely happy that I'll pee (:!!!

-Bambi ♥

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