Chapter 14

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Saturday night, Gregory and I forgetting everyone... everything but each other. I accepted that he liked me the way I did... for now. We walked all around town, snuggling up close, sneaking kisses now and then. It felt so unreal, so cliché. But I never wanted it to end.

Currently, we sat outside a bakery, smiling at each other for no reason. "You know you should smile more often. It's so beautiful." Gregory kissed my hand. "Shut up." I giggle, blushing lightly. "You could say thank you." Gregory pouts. "Aww." I cooed, pinching his cheek, "Thank you." I say to his adorable pout face.

"You're very welcome. Are you tired?" "No, are you?" "A little. But it's not bothering me." Gregory shrugged. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Anything." "Am I embarrassing? Like- whenever you wrap your arms around me in school or in public... don't you feel like people tease you?" I ask.

"Embarrassing? Hazel you're gorgeous." Gregory laughed, "I could never be embarrassed by you. Unless you pee your pants." He said, making me laugh.

"You sure?" I ask. "I'm positive. I love you." He said, sweetly. I blushed red, as he held both my hands.

"Hazel?" He asked.

"Hm?" "Do... you love me too?" He said before laughing. 

I'm an idiot. "I love you too." I say embarrassed, covering my face with my hair. "Come here." He smiled wide. I let go of his hands, then proceed to sit on his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I've been waiting for this, for so long." Gregory kissed my cheek softly. It warmed me up that someone actually was waiting for me to be with them. It was always the other way around.

"What if we ever fight?" I asked randomly, playing with his curl. "...hmm. Well I actually don't know. We faught once. And we ended up texting the next day." He shrugged, wrapping arms around my waist tightly. "It's cold." I giggle, laying my head on his shoulder. "Do you maybe... wanna go back to my place?" He asked.

I looked at him skeptically. "And do what?" "Nothing, Haze. It's just that you're cold, and my house is warm." "So is the inside of the store." I point out. "Oh cmon, Hazel. You've been to my house before, I let you sleep in my bed, and you woke up as virgin as you came in."

"Oh whatever." I roll my eyes. "What are you so afraid of?" He asked softly, placing his perfect soft lips on mine, leaving them for a bit on top of mine.

"Well I never saw your parents... what if they don't like me?"

"You're so cute." He laughed loud, making me blush.

"Hazel they won't even notice. And if they do- they're going to love you just like I do. Less obviously- but don't worry."

"Are you sure?" "Positive. Please?" He ran his hand down my arm, looking at me with those damn perfect eyes. Well duh... he can't see you with his eyes closed.

"Fine..." I roll my eyes.

We weren't too far, but like an idiot- I kept tripping over the cracks on the sidewalks since it was dark. It got so bad, that Gregory decided to carry me. But I guess that was a good excuse to actually carry me.

We stopped outside his house, him setting me down on the steps in front. He brought me in closer, and kissed me softly. "I'll take care of you, always." He whispered, probably to calm my nerves.

I nod, before we both get up. Gregory uses his silver key to unlock the door. His house was dark again, no sign of his parents. He lead me down the hallway, hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek. I couldn't stop smiling. I really loved him.

He opens his bedroom door, leading me in and closing it. He turned on the light, exposing his always neat bed. "Welcome back." He smiled. I sat on his bed, exhausted from all the walking. "Your bed is so comfortable." I say. Gregory removed his shirt, like he did the first time- and like the weirdo I am, I stare.

"Well lay down and ." He laughed, cupping my cheeks and giving me a kiss.

Well, I feel special as hell.

We both laid down, Gregory placing us under the warm sheets. I felt his perfect skin on his back with my hands, since they were wrapped around his neck. "Is your mom back yet?" Gregory asked suddenly. "No... I don't care about it anymore." I lie. I know deep inside I still cared. Even if she left us for another man.

"It's unbelievable." Gregory shook his head, making his curls move slightly. I smile, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"If you aren't fine at anytime, you have to tell me. Okay?" Gregory said seriously, but with love in every word. I nod, bringing him closer beside me. "So I'm guessing I'm staying over?" I ask sweetly. "Yes, that means- I get to hold my girl all night." He smiled cheekily. Again with the 'My Girl' thing. But atleast now I knew what he was talking about. And it sounds way better coming from Gregory's mouth.

I giggle stupidly, then pressed his lips onto mine softly. "Mm, wait." He pulled away slowly.

He got up, and out of his drawer pulled out a shirt. I looked at him confused, only knowing that I just wanted to kiss him. "You'd be really uncomfortable in your regular shirt to sleep don't you think?" He winked. God I loved the smell of his shirts, and how loose and soft it felt on my skin. I couldn't argue with him this time.

I nod, barely uttering a "Yes".

Gregory gave the cutest confused look, then laid back down, getting a hold of my leg. "Why do you still act shy around me?" He asked as he brushed my leg with his thumb. "I just have a quiet voice." I shook my head. He buried his face into my neck. I felt his curls lightly tickle my cheek.

"You have a loud voice too right?" He asked in a slightly deeper voice, sending chills down my spine. "I think so." I laugh. "Use it." He bit into my neck softly. Is it this part where the girl moans?

You're pathetic.

"But I don't want to wake up your parents." "Don't make excuses." Gregory ran his hand up my thigh to the bottom of my shirt. I bit my lip. He tugged on it slightly, before kissing my neck passionately.

And after a long while of soft, warm kisses that lit up every cell in my body- he moved up to kiss my lips. I hope they weren't chapped... because I'm pretty sure Gregory has baby lips and I have old crusty ones.

But I loved every second of it. It was so perfect, almost scripted. I know we've kissed before. But it felt so much more... real. Like I finally knew he was mine.

"I love you." He moaned softly, his hot breath fanning me. We pulled away suddenly, and without warning Gregory slips off my shirt. That literally took me 2 fucking minutes to put on and it took him no more than a second. I cover myself instantly.

"What-" "Calm down... I'm just putting my shirt on you." Gregory whispered. Isn't that just embarrassing.

"Oh." I say. I help him out, and I was soon inside the most comfortable shirt ever.

Gregory suddenly changed his mood. His eyes even changed. "You still don't trust me." He said, looking down sadly. Wow... "Gregory you know it's not like that." I say. "Whatever. Let's just sleep." He rolled his eyes. "Gregory- it's not like that." I repeat. He walked to the light switch, turning off the light. I do trust you...

"I said let's just sleep." Gregory said softly. I can't do anything. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

Soo this was a fluff stuffed chapter ^_^
Well in the beginning . . .
Hope you enjoyed, and pweese leave a vote?? Comment?? No?? Okay /:
This chapter got crazy    not really
Jk, Love yu

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