Shu's back

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Shu pov

When y/n hugged me I felt weights were taken off of me. I felt carefree and peaceful I always feel like this when I'm with her. How can y/n still be with me even after I treated everyone bad and her. She was still hugging me so I hugged her back. We both pulled away from the hug. I looked at her with loving eyes.

''I'm sorry''-shu, looking down because I don't deserve her

''Don't be all that matters is your here now''-y/n as i smiled at him grabing his face so he could look at me.

''your a very kind person you know''-shu smiling

''I-i we should look for the others and tell them your back''-y/n

Y/n pov

He really knows how to make me blush and stutter. My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest. I walked ahead to make sure he couldn't hear my heart beating so fast. It's so hot all of sudden. When suddenly I felt a hand on mine. I looked back and Shu was smiling at me.

''Did the fall made you sick your very red''-shu as he touched my forehead with his other hand

''U-hh i'm fine''-y/n I think he made it worse because now it's very hot

''Are you sure''-shu

''Yeah lets keep looking for the others with valt in the front they might be lost''-y/n as I laughed thinking about the possibility

''haha that's true''-shu

Valt Pov

I have been trying to find the way back to BC Sol but I think I'm lost. I haven't told anyone yet. They'll get mad. I was caught up in my own thoughts thinking how happy I was Shu's back.

''Valt are we lost''-wakiya with dark aura surrounding him

''U-mm yes''-valt

''You should've paid attention on where we were valt''-wakiya

''We couldn't have gone that far right''-honcho we all looked around us seeing trees everywhere

''Lets scream so someone could hear us''-valt

''I won't scream because I wasn't the one who got us lost''-wakiya

''It doesn't matter who got us lost lets hope Shu and y/n hear us''-honcho

Shu pov

Me and y/n have been having good time. The conversation isn't forced and I feel very comfortable with her.

''hey Shu do you hear you that''-y/n I walked towards the screaming

''Yeah it sounds like someone is screaming from afar, let me go first ''-shu

Y/n pov

we both walked slowly towards the noise. But the closer I got the voices. Shu must've noticed to because we gave each other a look. But this is the perfect chance to scare them. I told shu my plan and he smiled at me and agreed.

''There's something in the bushes''-honcho

''Do you hear a little girl singing''-valt both looking very scared

''It's nothing guys why would a little girl be in the forest at this time''-wakiya suddenly someone grabbed my ankle and i gave a big scream so did valt and honcho

''Hahaha"-shu and y/n

''what that's not funny guys"-wakiya

''it was''-y/n as tears were coming out soon enough everybody started laughing

''Shu I'm glad your back''-Valt

''Good to be back''-Shu

''Y/n next time and I hope there's not a next time don't stand to close to the cliff''-wakiya

'' I know sorry guys I made you worry wait how did you know i fell''-y/n

''We were there when you fell but Shu got there before us''-Honcho

y/n pov

I got quiet knowing they gave us alone time. I didn't notice how close Shu got to me. When I noticed he put a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but got blush again.

''We should get going''-shu as he was looking at y/n smiling

''yeah we should''-wakiya as he just grabbed y/n hand and pulled y/n away from Shu

''Shu what are you going to do about Chiago bulls''-wakiya

''I'm going to take over Chicago Bulls and make the snake pit a better training area''-shu

Your pov

I didn't notice when Wakiya took his hand away from mine. But after he said everything was quiet. I decided to break the tension. But kept walking so they won't see my expression. When it gets quiet I tend to get really red because it sort of embrassing.

''Well if you ever need help just call me and I'll be there"-y/n

''Me to''-valt

''Thanks guys"-Shu

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