Silas Ending

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(Play song now This drama broke my heart the kdrama is love alarm)
Your pov
I walked out the door to my dorm. I fixed my hair and clothes and went outside again to look for silas. He must be training in the gym. I was supposed to train with him today so I have a good excuse to see him.

When I was walking I started to remembering  the time he caught me when I fell off the tree. How magical it felt to be in his arms. The time we talked for hours. How could I not notice I like him.

I opened the door of the gym and he was alone training. My heart started racing by just seeing him. You know I'll just come tomorrow and tell him my feelings. Unfortunately the gym door closed behind and made a loud noise.

He looked around mad but when he saw me he smiled. Which made my heart skip a beat. I walked towards him looking down. Nervously playing with my bracelet.

''Why are you so nervous''-silas smiling bending down to see your face

''I'm not nervous''-y/n looking away

''When your nervous you play with your bracelet''-silas

''umm I came to tell you something''-y/n changing the conversion was the best choice

''What is it"-silas

''I like you silas more than a friend''-y/n looking at silas nervous

''I like you to ''-silas hugging you tightly resting his head on your neck smiling widely



''Are we a couple now''-y/n

''Yes we are a couple and I'll tell everyone your mine''-silas

''I'm happy with that''-y/n hugging him back

''Now we can be together and I could rightfully be jealous''-silas

Your pov

I just smiled and laughed at his comment. For the next couple hours we trained together and he teached me how to launch my bey at a better angle. He would sometimes flirt with me and tease me. Tomorrow at lunch me and silas would go out as a couple. I was a bit nervous because I really hated to give anymore hope to the boys where there is none.

Time Skip

Me and silas went to the cafertia holding hands and everybody faces were shocked. Sasha just smiled at me and gave me a thumps up. She knew before that I didn't know where my feeling reside. We became friends.( if you don't want to be friends with her just skip that part).

''You guys are dating''-valt

''Yes actually just yesterday''-silas as held your hand tighter

Time skip

Silas pov

We were at the cherry blooms tree where I catched y/n last time. We were sitting underneath the tree. I held her hand she layed her head on my lap as I played with her hair. Who would have thought that I would fall for this amazing girl.

''Y/n I love you''-silas smiling at her

''I love you to''-y/n as I closed my eyes

Time skip

Silas pov

After we started dating she gave me courage to become the number one blader. The troument Bc Sol won. We became known for having a streak of winning.

Right now me and y/n are already 20 years old ( you could change the age). I was going to ask her to marry me since now me and y/n have created our own beybalde club. We have our own house but we live across from each other. I want to be closer to her.

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