Impression on someone?!

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Your POV
When we got to BC Sol I noticed everyone was worrying about something. I didn't really care I was just thinking about Shu. Chris came up to me looking worried about us.
"Hey y/n, Valt we have a tournament next week and it's against Wakiya team so be ready and I hope your doing okay since your last visit to Mexico"-Chris
"Thanks Chris we'll bring that win for sure"-Valt
"Why is everyone so worried"-y/n
"There team is strong so don't let your guard down"-Chris
"We won't thanks for telling us, I'll go and rest a bit in my dorm"-Y/n
Time skip
As I laid down on my bed. I kept thinking about what happened with Shu and what happened to me. I went to sleep wanting to forget a bit and relieve the stress.
Honcho pov
When Y/n left to her dorm I felt saddened to see her stressed and sad over Shu. I did feel jealous over Shu and the other guys that like her but I think I'll be able to make her happy if I bring her favorite food to her. I know she's in her dorm so I'll bring it to her right now. When I got there I saw her sleeping already she looked so peaceful. I'll just leave the food and leave.
Your POV
I woke up from my small nap and saw my favorite food. I looked at a note on the side of the food
" I know your stressed about Shu but don't worry we'll get him back soon-Honcho"
That's so sweet of him. Thanks Honcho for reminding me there's still hope I'll get you back Shu. I need to train to get stronger. I'll eat up and go to my secret training area.
Time skip
I've finished eating and went out to my training area. I liked training alone especially because I didn't want people looking at me while I train they always look at me surprised every time I do something like a new move. While I was walking over there I saw the tree I fell down from and when Silas caught me in time. The intensity in that moment. When I walked further down I saw the training area free use to train and how we talked for hours I miss him. I kept walking and arrived my tree house. I remembered how Shu and me trained for hours battling each other in this stadium. I have to stop being so sentimental right now and start to train.
Time skip
I fell down and started to breathe heavily from all the hours of training. My hair and face were full of sweat. I worked on all my weaknesses and made it to perfection. It was worth it but I need to get stronger in order to beat Shu and bring him back that's the only way. I can't tell anyone about my secret training or my plan to bring him back. I can't let the word get around otherwise Shu will know and won't come back. I'll take a shower here so they won't know I've been training and I'll be sure no one suspects a thing. I washed my clothes and dried them. What a good thing to have here. Meanwhile it dries I'll go and take a shower. As I got out and changed. I went walking back to my dorm. Luckily no one asked questions because everyone was training

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