Ken Midori ending

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Your POV
Even though it's been a couple months since I meet Midori. I feel like I've known him for years. The time I've spent training with him.

His smirk when he has something up his sleeve. How cute it is when he expresses his feelings trough his puppets. When he blushes when I get to close to him. How he would get jealous if I talked to other guys but never show me he was jealous.

I walked outside to the forest since he sometimes spends his time there training with the bey stadium over there. When I got there his bey was doing a new move he has been trying to prefect. The bey stopped spinning when I got closer he must be having a hard time.

''Hey ken''-y/n

''Hey y/n''-keru

''are you still having a hard time''-y/n

''Yes I can't seem to get a good angle''-besu

''Why don't you try a side angle''-y/n

''let me try''-besu

No one pov

Once ken launched his bey at a side angle. The bey started spinning at a fast speed you could hardly see it. The bey lasted 2 minutes spinning and then it stopped. Ken was now smiling widely at y/n while picking up his bey.

''Thank you y/n''-besu

''Your welcome''-y/n smiling but then getting nervous and red while remembering what she came to tell him

''Are you okay y/n''-besu

''I need to tell you something ken''-y/n looking at him

''What is it girly''-keru

''Remember when you told me you liked me well I-I like you to and I hope it isn't to late''-y/n kens eyes suddenly went wide and he started crying I went to him asking if he was alright

''It's never to late will you be my girlfriend''-ken with his own voice hugging you

''of course''-y/n crying a bit from hearing his voice for the first time

''Now that your mine i'll let you hear my voice whenever you like''-ken smiling and blushing a bit

''I love hearing your voice''-y/n smiling back

Time skip

Ken pov

We ended up training together that whole day. The next day came by and we are walking towards the cafeteria. I put my puppets on to talk to the others. Y/n was at my side she seemed nervous also.

When we got there everybody turned their head around. I also got nervous but y/n grabbed my wrist and took me to valts table.

''Guys I have something to say''-y/n

''what is it''-valt

''me and y/n are a thing now''-ken smiling at y/n while y/n blushes

''What when did it happend''-honcho

''Just yesterday''-y/n

Time skip

Ken Midori pov

It's been a couple years since me and y/n started dating. We never had a fight and she gave me courage to become the number one blader.

Me and her have made our own academy for kids who love to beybalde. It's well known academy in Japan it goes from K-12 grade and we have potential kids who could become great balders one day. Y/n is a teacher at the school and I'm the principal but of course Y/n does most of the talking. We have dorms for kids who come from different countries.

Currently Me and are 21 years old (you could chose the age doesn't matter). A lot of people told us were young to have our own academy. But it was thanks to y/n she gave me courage to do the academy. Right now I'm waiting in the garden for y/n to ask her to marry me. While I was looking at the flowers. I felt hands on my shoulders

''Good morning ken''-y/n

''Good morning y/n''-ken with his own voice

''Sorry I'm late I woke up late today''-y/n


''Ken''-y/n laughing a bit

''I have been wanting to do this for a long time, the day I met you I noticed I want you to be in my life forever and not just as my girlfriend but as my wife, so y/n l/n will you do me the honor and marry me''-ken blushing while looking in her eyes

''Of course I would love that''-y/n tears going down her cheeks smiling happily as ken kissed her tenderly by the garden

Wedding day

Ken pov

Who would've thought that I would marry this wonderful woman. It feels like yesterday I saw her for the first time in Bc Sol. Seeing her every time made my heat stop and stutter when I would talk to her without using my puppets. Even while seeing her walk down the aisle always makes my heart stop. The way she does simple stuff always amazes me because why does she look so perfect while doing those things. As she got to my side in the wedding I smiled at her knowing she will be mine forever. It was time for the vows.

'' I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.- Both y/n and ken saying it at the same time

''You may kiss the bride''-priest

Time skip

Ken pov

It's been a couple years since the wedding. After the honeymoon y/n got pregnant with a baby boy we decided to name him Akihisa he looks just like me when I was younger and he also has my personality when I was younger. Right now his 12 years old. After he was born two years later she became pregnant with twin boys named Arata and Akira they have my black hair but her eyes and her personality quite mischievous to. Right now we have a baby girl named Aika she looks just like y/n.

''Dad are you spacing out again''-Akihisa

''Just thinking''-ken

''Is it about mom again''-Akihisa looking at the flowers in the garden with ken

''Yes actually''-ken smiling

''Dad Akihisa mom is calling you to come eat''-Arata and Akira saying it at the same time

''Hey stop coping me''-arata

''Your coping me''-Akira

''Cmon kids lets go''-ken

Time skip

Your pov

Me and Ken laid in bed while we were cuddling I remembered the memories we made when we were dating. He looked at me smiling

''Thank you for giving me this family''-ken

''And thank you for always being by my side''-y/n as he leaned in kissing me tenderly his hand on neck and waist

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