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Your POV
I looked at diago he was smiling at me and his smile I've never seen him smile much in the show. We both launched or beys and his launch was prefect. Well mine was to instead of charming him like I ussally do in each battle. l will go with my new attack. I discovered this attack when I was battling with Shu. He told me to practice with it first and then use it. This attack starts with my bey moving fast that you can't see it and when the attacker comes close to my bey they burst. I did this move and I did a burst finish I need another point and I win this battle but I can't say that for sure. His strong to. The second battle started and I went with my other move enchanting them with my bey and when there distracted do my move. I did this and he let his guard down. The next thing I knew I looked at the billboard and I saw myself alone that means I win. I looked at Diago and he was smiling at i smiled back. He handed me my bey and said

''Good game I look forward to battling you sometime''-Diago

''Same here''-Y/N

Diago pov

Her skills there so powerful i wonder where exactly she came from. There's not much videos about her battling. But I couldn't help to smile at the fact that she was so clam during our battle. Valt went next and so did I. But he won the battle. I couldn't warp up my mind how y/n skills are so powerful. The battle ended I went up to y/n. We talked for a bit and shared a laugh. She is so different then girls I met. This encounter just feels like a flash of lighting. Haha wow I can't believe I am thinking about her.
Time skip
Y/N pov
BC Sol won this battle but just barely they had skills especially diago. He was strong I almost thought I was going to lose to him. I really like how I'm with him he makes me clam when I'm anxious because of what I heard with wakiya. But my feelings are all over the place right now so I'll try to figure my feelings out. I really have to stop catching feelings for every boy who treats me good. What if there just being nice to me? As I was thinking all this Wakiya came up to me. I smiled but I remembered what he had said and the smile faded away.

''Can we talk y/n''-wakiya as he grabed y/n hand not letting her answer and dragged her away to the patio of bc sol.

''what is it you want to talk about''-Y/N my tone of very serious no emotion in my words

''Y/n you didn't fully hear my conversation with Rantaro the girl I like is you''-Wakiya

y/n pov

My eyes were wide open I couldn't talk at all and when I tried I would just stutter but I finally got courage and told him my answer.

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