Old friend

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AS Gallus was our next opponent I did research on each teammate. I didn't expect Diago to be an old friend of valts but wow shu was cute back then and today to. I noticed on a video there was a boy next to valt and Rantaro. It was Ken Midori even in the show he was cute I was smiling and Silas walked in.

''What are doing''-Silas

''I'm watching AS Gallus videos to prepare for tomorrow''-Y/n

''c'mon I wanna show you something''-Silas

Time skip

your pov

We got to the gym and no one was there he grabed my hand and with his other hand he reached inside his pocket but Rantaro came in and took my hand and handed me a lollipop. Silas was about to say something but I didn't want them to fight so I just said

''Thanks Rantaro''-Y/n

''I think you should leave me and y/n were about to practice for our battle with AS Gallus''-Silas

''I could battle with you guys''-Rantaro

''Fine lets battle y/n could be the refree''-Silas

1-2-3 let it rip

no ones pov

Roktavor went towards the middle it didn't even took a minute when kinetic satomb started to attack both of their auras were strong. Soon enough both Roktavor and Satomb were on the verge to burst. Then Silas won the battle I heard someone clapping from the far away. We all looked and saw it was Valt.

''Hey guys that isn't fair you didn't invite me to battle with you guys''-Valt

''I'm leaving''-Silas

''Whats up with him''-Valt

''Let me go and see what happend''-Y/N

''No stay here''-Honcho

''U-mm i'll be back quick''-Y/N

I ran out of the gym and to find silas but I didn't find him anywhere so i'll go to my tree house and practice there. The tension in the gym were to overwhelming. I can't believe I practice for 3 hours i'm so tired i'll just sleep in the tree house for today and go to the dorms at noon.

Time skip

Rantaro pov

I really like Y/n her personality and just the way she is amazing but everytime I try and make a move there's always someone else trying to make a move on her. I'm going to gym and see if she's there to ask her on a date around spain. When I got there my heart dropped my blood boiling from seeing someone else holding her hand. I've seen silas about to give her something but luckly I came and stopped before it happening. We battled and Silas won he ran away. I couldn't believe I told Y/n not to leave it just came it out of mouth. Time passed and I got worried about Y/n its been hours she hasn't came yet.

''hey valt don't you think Y/n took long''-Rantaro

''yeah but she is with Silas she's okay''-Valt

''Hey have you guys seen Y/N''-silas as he came in the gym

''we thought she was with she ran after you after you left''-Valt

''Lets go look for her''-Honcho

Time skip

Your pov

I feel so much better after that nap, it got dark quick I better leave before someone notices I am gone for that long. As I walking back to the dorm I saw all the BC sol team with flashlights. Everybody came towards me and everyone started asking where were you and we thought something bad happened to you. I then explained to everyone that I feel asleep in the forest because the dorms were loud. I didn't want to tell them the real reason. Everybody started laughing and someone said she's just like free. I smiled to myself thinking about him. I just don't know who I really like it so confusing. Then Sudenly someone hugged me.

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