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Y/n pov
After he left I was shocked I never expected him to like me. This just got harder for me I thought I would know who I like if I just kept doing what I'm doing keep talking to them. I better leave it's getting dark.
Time skip y/n POV
I got to my dorm and went to take a shower. I got out and changed to my night clothes. I laid down on my bed and started thinking who will I chose from all them. I don't want to break their hearts or lead any of them on.
Time skip to morning
Silas pov
I got up early to train. I couldn't sleep from happened yesterday. Her eyes staring into mine the air around us. But I must try hard to make her mine. Otherwise those other guys will get her. As i was thinking all this someone came up to me.
"Hey Silas want to train"-y/n
"Sure"- as faint blush appeared on Silas
Time skip
Y/n pov
We trained a lot in just a couple hours. I didn't feel that weird. With what happened yesterday I thought I would be quiet around him but I guess no. I soon got hungry and we both went to the cafeteria to get food. I saw valt and we both went to sit with him and honcho. When we got there honcho smiled at me. I felt a little uncomfortable.
I heard valt saw we'll get a new teammate at BC sol. But I already know who it is it's cuza.
"Who is it valt"-y/n as I made myself the dumb one pretending I don't know.
"I don't know yet but Chris will announce who it is later"-valt
"Who do you think it is"-honcho
"We'll just have to wait and see"-Silas
Time skip
"The new teammate is cuza"-Chris
No ones pov
Everyone was shock but I wasn't. They were all wondering why he came. But y/n just stayed quiet. Not minding someone was looking at her.

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