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Y/n pov
While everyone was trying to figure out why cuza came to bc sol. I just stayed quiet and listened to everyone arguing on why he came. I didn't notice cuza was coming towards me.

''Hey y/n nice to see you again looking forward to battling with you''-Cuza

''same here''-y/n as you smiled at him

your pov

Then all of sudden everything went quiet. You looked towards Chris and she mentioned Cuza will be a back up if one of us will get injured.

''Hey y/n lets go battle and show cuza how we train here''-Valt

Time skip

your pov

I won valt with a burst finish and Cuza caught me be surpise he wanted to battle me, that was early.

1 2 3 let it rip

Athena took defence mode. Cuza couldn't touch Athena it was if he was battling a rock.

''Athena finish this with a burst finsh''-Y/n Athena started spinning fast in the center and Cuza bey looked like it under a spell. It willing went towards Athena. With one touch towards Athena. He burst and cuza looked like his head hurt because he touched his forehead. Everyone stayed quiet by the power you just showed.

''y/n you've gotten stronger tell me your secret''-Honcho

'' I guess by training everyday''-y/n as you laughed

The bey trainor came in and made everyone run laps.

Cuza pov

Y/n improved a lot since I last battle her but her connection her bey is powerful. How did she win I don't remember the last thing I remember was looking at her bey move it was so enchanting. I have to know more about her blading style.

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