Shu Ending

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Your Pov

I got to my room and booked a flight to Chicago to see Shu in person. I told Chris about it and she was okay with it. Before i left i told all the boys about who i truly like. They seemed upset but they told me they still want to be friends with me.

It was easier to tell Diago, cilo, lui since they were far away. They told me it was alright and they still want to be friends. I told them it was okay, that i wanted to be friends with them.

I was currently in the plane and I was nervous to see him. What will I say to him? Will he feel the same way? I decided to sleep it off.

Time skip

Your pov

It's been 1 hour since I got here in Chicago. I went straight away to my hotel. Mostly because I was nervous to face Shu. The other reason was because my bones felt sore from the flight. I decided to sleep and tomorrow I will see Shu.

Time skip

I was currently in front of the building of raging bulls. My heart was beating so fast. I walked inside and went to the elevator. When I got to floor Shu would be in. I knew because he told he spent most of his time training. I seen him supervising the other team members. I called out his name and waved at him smiling because I get to see him again.

''Y/n what are you doing here''-shu as he looked at me with those red eyes

''I came to see you what you don't want to see me''-feeling a bit of ache

''No no it just caught me off-guard that's all I am glad your here''-shu

''Hmm okay I've seen your supervising''-y/n looking at the training area

''Yeah when the police found out he had the snake pit and training them harshly they took him away, the court then decided to give me his business so I own all of this now''-shu as he headed towards the big glass window with me behind

''I'm so proud of you shu''-y/n but then my stomach decided to growl

''Haha come here''-shu

time skip

No one pov

Both of them headed towards Shu room that was located at the top floor. His room was really big and neat. He told y/n to sit down while he cooked. They talked and talked about many things. Both feeling comfortable with each other. While y/n being awe struck by shu. When he finished cooking he served his famous food that he served valt and his friends back in there old home. Y/n eyes light up while eating. When they finished y/n finally decided to confess her feelings.

Your pov

I got up and went towards the big window. Fidgeting with my hands.

''Umm shu i want to tell you something''-y/n feeling my heart beat faster


''Every since I met you I always felt I had a conection with you. Everytime i saw you my heart would beat faster.  ( you turned around to look at him)Little by little I started to fall in love you. I would be sad when you left me. I relized i want you to be in my life forever I love you''-y/n as you smiled at him

''I love you to y/n and I always knew you loved me will you be my girlfriend''-shu as he pulled you into his arms hugging you kissing you fore head.

''I would love to and did it made it obvious''-y/n blushing really hard

''Yes silly but that's a good thing otherwise I would be really jealous if another guy got close to you''-shu as he smiled at you

Your pov

You just smiled and looked away blushing by his comment. You tired to change the conversation just to make your heart calm down.

''Shu how are things going here''-y/n looking at the big window near his living room

''things are good let me take you somewhere I like to go when I want peace and quiet''-Shu as he grabbed my hand and headed towards the door

Time skip

''The walk here was nice where are we''-y/n

''It's garden very close to the building we were just in, I come here when I want some quiet time''-shu looking at y/n

''The sakura trees look so lovely and the little pond makes it look so nice''-y/n smiling a looking at the pond

''Come here''-shu leading both of you to a bench having a nice view of everything

''y/n what would you say if I ask you to join the Raging bulls''-shu

''I would say yes because it means I get to be with you everyday but it would be hard to leave the others behind''-y/n we were now looking at each other shu eyes brighten when I said yes

''well y/n would you join us''-shu looking at you happily

''Of course shu''-y/n he hugged you tightly you couldn't breathe


''Sorry i'm just so happy you said yes''-shu

Time skip

Your both 30 years old

Shu pov

Once y/n joined the raging bulls we got more people wanting to join, everyone with good Beyblade skills. Today we are the most successful Beyblade club in the world.

When we were 16 years old we had our first kiss in the garden. It's our little spot when we want some quiet time.

When we 20 years old we married and went to our honeymoon in Rio. A little after our honeymoon y/n became pregnant. We had baby boy triplets. They all looked like me white hair and red eyes. They had the same hairstyle as me when I as young.

They are 13 years old right now all of them are well known trough out the world for there Beyblade skills. There names are kaname, Asahi, sasori. Kaname and sasori have the same personilty as me. But Asashi has his mothers personality.

Y/n is currently pregnant with our 4th baby. We found out the gender is a girl. Her due date is suppose to be today. I'm in the hospital with y/n holding her hand while she gives birth. When suddenly I heard our baby cry.

They gave our baby to y/n she looks just like her mother.

''Look shu our little sakura''-y/n as she looked at our baby crying with joy

We decided to name our baby that way because it represents the way we both love eachother. When they let y/n and sakura go. We went straight home and the boys came to look at sakura.


''Yes shu''-y/n

''I love you''-shu

''I love you to''-y/n

As we both lightly kissed and pulled away. We then heard the boys told us.

''Eww mom and dad''-all of the boys together

''Mom dad uncle valt said he'll be here with your friends to see sakura''-kaname

''I wonder how valts wife is doing i haven't seen her in a while''-y/n

We then heard the door knock and all of our friends just came in y/n greeted all of them. We all talked about our good days. The guys that like y/n all married someone and they all had one or two kids. The same age as our kids. When they left sakura fell asleep. Me and y/n were on the bed cuddling. I was playing with her hair.

''Y/n thank you for giving me this amazing family''-shu

''And thank you for being an amazing husband''-y/n

your pov and Shu pov

As both of us kissed with passion. Still having immense love for each other.

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