Impression on someone part 2

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Your POV
The day came to battle wakiya's team. I wasn't nervous because I trained so hard everyday. I can't lose today I need to get stronger the right way. When I got to the arena i saw wakiya standing with his team on the other side. I didn't realize I was staring for to long time. When Wakiya noticed I was looking at him he winked at me. I couldn't help but blush. I think Silas noticed this because he faced me towards him and garbed both my shoulders and got really close to me, that I blushed even more.

''Don't worry we got this''-Silas

''I-I uhh thanks for the advice''- I cursed myself for saying that to low but he was close to me so he I think he heard. Even though I wasn't nervous I didn't want to be mean.

''So who will go first to battle''-Valt

Silas let me go and faced valt telling him.

''I will go first and I am sure there going to send Wakiya so I will battle him''-Silas

''Well good luck''-Y/n as I smiled at him with a light blush thinking about his earlier actions. These feelings are so confusing. I wish I knew who I liked.

Wakiya pov

I was talking with my team to go over the plan. When I noticed she was staring at me. She's so adorable when she's concentrating  on something. I couldn't help but wink at her to make her blush and because Silas was watching her as she watched me. But when I did he got closer to her and made her blush even more. I will go first and battle Silas. I know he will go first. We both went up to battle each other.

1 2 3 let it rip

Both beys went towards middle and immediately started attacking's each other.

''I will end this right now''-Wakiya as his aura turned purple

''I was going to say the same for you''-Silas as his aura turned green

Strong wind was coming for the bey stadium and when everything stopped there was a bey that burst. It was Silas bey that burst.

Your pov

He must feel bad that he lost. I am going to go cheer him up. It was break time and I went to the room he went in. He was standing in the middle of the room and he hadn't noticed I was there.

''Silas you did great''-Y/n when I said that I hugged him from behind and told him

''Don't worry I will get this win for us you just see''-As I left towards the stadium and while I walked over there I was just thinking about Shu I hope he sees I am trying to get him back.

Silas Pov

I couldn't face Y/n she must be think I am weak I need to get stronger. Just then I heard her voice. This took me by surpise when she hugged me from behind. I blushed by the contact of her skin on mine. She left just then and I couldn't say anything to her she just left to quick. I smiled as I went back where Valt was.

''What's wrong silas''-Valt


Your pov

As I walking towards the stadium I saw Honcho and I smiled at him knowing I have people who care about me. I don't know if its just me but I think I saw him blush. I was surpised to see who my oppent was it was Wakiya.

''I hope you don't easy on me''-y/n

''I wasn't planning to''-Wakiya as he smiled at me

1 2 3 let it rip

I went towards the middle and he didn't even wait to attack me he went with his new move he had been saving. Athena dodged his attack as if it was nonthing. I smiled at him and I started to hum with my beys retheme. He fell for my trap and now he was stuck on some other dimension everything was sea blue around us. As if we were in the middle of the ocean.

''Where are we''-Wakiya

''Your under my control now its a new move your the first person I use it on''-Y/N

Everything around us turned white just like an explosion happened.We went back to reliaty and without even touching his bey he burst.

Boa pov

I didn't know she was this strong and she's beautiful, strong, kind. Just by watching her battle I can tell. The way  she smiles confidently at everything. That's weird what are these feelings I feel for her.

Lui Pov

She is even stronger then Valt I can see that. But why I do I feel that there's more to her than meets the eye. I need to get closer to her she is also really pretty when she battles.

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