Free comes back

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Your Pov
It was Saturday and I was tired from training so I decided to sleep in.

time skip
I woke up and I felt strong arms around me. I looked to see who it was and it was free. His sleepily face was so adorable and cute. His arms are so comfortable to sleep in.

Free pov
I said goodbye to the Chicago bulls. I have been waiting to come back. Everyone improved in BC Sol. Just what I wanted and that was the reason I left. I really didn't want to leave mostly because of y/n. But I knew that I would back to her some day. That is today when I got to bc sol some of them greeted me. But it didn't matter because all I wanted to see was y/n.

''Hey valt where's y/n''-free

''In her dorm sleeping I think and nice to have you back''-Valt

Honcho pov

Oh no frees back this just got even harder. More and more guys are after her and all of them are good candidates. I'll just have to try harder.

Free pov

I knocked on her door and no one answered. I got worried and opened the door. When I saw her hugging a pillow. I couldn't help but smile at the view I had. I was getting tired myself. But I'll just come later. But then I felt a hand on my hand. It was her. I couldn't help but blush. But she is sleeping I must leave. Until she pulled me with her and now her leg was on mine and she was hugging me. I really don't want to wake her up. I'll just wait till she wakes up. I'll explain to her what happened. But then I fell asleep myself.

Time skip

Your pov

It was noon already and I forget free was here. I'm I dreaming. But he feels real. I have to get up. But strong arms hold me down.

''Your finally awake''-free

''yeah when did you come back''-y/n

''This morning and sorry I just barged in your room you didn't answer and I got worried I was going to leave but you pulled me down with you and I couldn't wake you up you looked so peaceful''-Free

''Sorry about that''-y/n as I blushed thinking what I did to him

''You want to get something to eat and catch up''-free

''Sure lets go''-y/n

''I will let you change I will meet you outside of bc sol''-free

your Pov

He then left and I screamed of how I had my hair. I then changed into my favorite clothes and did my hair. Also my morning routine. I got out my dorm and saw the gym with valt, ken, Honcho. Battling each other I smiled looking at how ken and honcho trying to keep up with valts endless practing. I went to free and he gave me a smile I hadn't seen a long time but there was also a slight blush. I couldn't help but smile back at him. We went to a restaurant and the good thing no one was there except us.

''I used to come here when I was small''-free

''Really this place must be good to still be in business''-y/n

''I wasn't planning to coming this early to BC sol''-free as he looked at me with intense eyes

''T-then why did you come early''-y/n as I cursed myself mentally for strutting, how could I not with him looking at me in the eye

''Because I missed you and I thought Bc Sol is strong enough now''-Free as he looked me

your pov

I didn't knew what to say I was speechless. Good thing the waitress came. We ordered and I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. I felt my face go hot.

''Are you okay you're red''-free as he came close to your face and touched your forehead with his hand

''I-II I'm fine its nonthing''-y/n I think got even more red

''You sure you got more red''-free

your pov

As he touched my cheeks and I would be more red then shu eyes at this point. The waitress came in time and gave us our food. We then finished our food and went back walking to BC Sol. We talked the way there. His presence was just calming to me.

''do you want train together like we used to''-free

''Sure''-as I smiled at him

time skip

your pov

we had many battles and both of us were sweating a lot at this point. Valt then came and told us chris was looking for us. We then left and arrived at her office.

''Hey chris we were told you wanted to speak to us''-y/n

''Yes now that free is back he will join the team so there will be four of you in the team and the tournament needs four people they say it's a requirement.''-chris

''who will be our next opponent''-free

''It will be diagos team in France you four will be flying there''-chris

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