Cilo Ending

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Your pov
A couple days have past since Chris told me about the story. I was currently at the team building Cilo belonged in. I can't believe I fell hard for this boy. I felt so nervous about confessing my feelings. What if he doesn't like me. I need to do it now before it's to late. I already talked to the leader about visting here. But I also told her not to tell anyone I was here.

I walked inside the gym building and cilo was alone drinking his tomato juice. The door closed really hard and he looked at me calmly as I walking towards him.

''Why did you hesitate to come see me"-cilo

''I didn't h-hesitate''-y/n omg how did he know

''You did you were here a couple days ago''-cilo having a teasing smirk while y/n blushing

''Sorry I didn't knew what to say"-y/n looking away

''So what brings here''-cilo looking at y/n

''I actually wanted to tell you something"-y/n this time looking at him

''What is it''-cilo

''I like you I don't how it happened but I like you"-y/n smiling at cilo

''I like you to y/n''-cilo smiling at y/n while pulling her in a hug
Your POV
I was so happy he told me he liked me. My heart kept beating so fast.

Time skip

Cilo pov

At first I told y/n if she wanted to transfer to our team but she wanted to stay in Bc sol. So it took me a couple years to make my Beyblade team. It's still in France and naturally me and y/n are the coaches for everybody.
It became really famous since me and y/n are well known bladers. Not everybody can enter the team easily

Right now me and y/n are In our 20s. I'm going to propose to her since I want to be with her forever. When we go on dates I would get jealous at the guys looking at her. She would get jealous when girls would look at me. That's was so cute.

I was waiting in the lake our team had. The roses and  flowers were all in bloom. The sunset was about to go down. I was by a cherry tree watching the flowers while waiting for y/n.

''Hey my vampire ''-y/n walking towards him laughing at his nickname

''Hey my rose"-giving her a red rose

''You still do that''-y/n smiling at cilo

''Of course I do  my rose and I want to tell you something''-cilo

''What is it''-y/n

''Y/n will you make me the happiest man on earth and be mine forever''-cilo kneeling down with box shapped like a rose and taking the ring out

''Yes yes''-y/n feeling tears of joy coming out while cilo putting the ring on y/n hand

Time skip

Cilo pov

It's been a couple months since I proposed to y/n. Everybody was shocked since we were the first ones to get engaged. The wedding theme we decided to have it a forest theme with red roses. The aisles were decorated with red roses. Finally y/n was walking down the aisle with her wedding dress. I smiled at her happy that this day has come.

We got to the party and it was time for our dance. The song we choose was My sweet and tender beast by Eugen Doga. I grabbed her waist and her hand as she grabbed my hand and arm.

We swayed to music and looked into each other eyes. We smiled at each other. Everyone was quiet it was just me and y/n dancing with the music. I picked her up and she put both her hands on my shoulders. She just laughed looking at me. Once the dance ended everyone was clapping for us. As I always did everyday I gave her a red rose.

Time skip

Cilo pov

When we went to our honeymoon we had such a wonderful time. Going on adventures and seeing the sunrise together. But after we came back y/n wasn't feeling well. She kept throwing up and her favorite food she would gag. Right now we are waiting for the doctor to tell us the results of what she has.

''Hello mrs.delon we have good news''-doctor

''What is it''-y/n

''Congratulations your pregnant with triplets''-doctor

I could believe it she was pregnant. I'm going to be a dad. Me and y/n couldn't stop smiling. A couple weeks later we found out the gender of our kids. They were 2 boys and one girl. When she would go to sleep I held her belly. If she had any cravings I would go get her what she wanted

Time skip

Cilo pov

Our kids are now 2 years old. The oldest was a boy we named him Daisuke we had y/n hair and her skin tone he was very quiet with new people and close friends he would talk a lot.
The second born was a girl we named her Ayaka she had my white hair, my eyes, my skin tone. Ayaka was just like me when I was younger.
The third one a boy named Fumihiro he had y/n hair, my eyes, my skin tone. He had a mix of both our personality.

Right now were at the park watching them play. Y/n layed her head on my shoulder. I still blush when she does that suddenly. I looked her and she was smiling at our kids.


''Yes''-y/n still looking at the kids

''Thank you for this wonderful family''-cilo kissing her forehead

''And thank you for always being with me''-y/n blusing

''Dad why is mom red is she sick''-Ayaka touching hand the triplets coming out of nowhere

''Is mommy okay"-Daisuke having tears in his eyes

''Oh no she got more red''-fumihiro 

''I'm fine kids why don't we go play''-y/n as the kids ran back to playground meanwhile cilo and y/n walked behind them

''I love you my rose''-cilo holding her hand making y/n blush again

''I love you my vampire''-laughing at the nickname

The end...

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