Unexpected vist?

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Your pov

After the battle with Wakiya I went to sit back down. Both Valt and Silas just looked at me with surprised looks.

''what was that y/n''-Valt

''Just my new move I learned''-Y/N

silas pov

She was strong and she even doged his attack. I want to marry this girl. As I smirked thinking to myself.

''valt good luck it's you turn''-y/n

''I will win this for Bc sol''-Valt

Time Skip

We won the battle and I wasn't really paying attention because I was thinking about Shu. Just then Free texted me saying I was amazing in the battle. I smiled at his text and responded by saying thanks. He always knows how to cheer me up. I wasn't paying to my food because we were celebrating the win. Just then someone touched my shoulder.

''Hey why so sad''-Honcho as he looked at me with a smile

'' Everything is fine''-Y/n as I smiled

'' You're sad because of Shu aren't you''-Honcho as he looked at me very serious

''Yes I'm worried am not strong enough to bring him back''-Y/N as I looked down not wanting to face him

''We will find him soon don't worry''-Honcho

As he lifted my chin with his two fingers he smiled at me with a face saying its okay. I couldn't help but blush once again. Our faces were close. But leaned away to embrassed.

''Thanks Honcho''- As I smiled back at him

''c'mon lets go eat with our friends''-Honcho

Your pov Time skip

We finshed eating and I left BC Sol to go buy clothes from the nearby store. They had cute clothes I've been eyeing them for a while now and since it's Friday. I will go today. When I was walking I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back and saw no one. That's weird. I kept walking and someone touched my waist. I looked back and saw Honcho. He was laughing so hard but I could just feel my heart beating fast from the scare.

''Honcho what are you doing here and why did you do that''-Y/N as I could feel may face getting hot

''Chris told me to go with you and just for fun your cute when you mad''-Honcho as he smiled at me.

''u-hh umm lets go before the sun starts setting down''-y/n

Time Skip

Your pov

When we go to the store Honcho left to the neighbor store to buy something. As I got the clothes I wanted. Someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back and saw Lui.

''My name is lui shirosagi''-As he held his hand out and smiled at me

''My name is Y/n l/n''-I got his hand in return

''I saw how you battled Wakiya that day that was amazing''-lui

''Thanks that was the first time I used that move''-Y/N

''I can't stay for to long but here's my number call me when you need something''-Lui

''Sure i'll be counting on you''-y/n

your pov

He left with smile and just when he left honcho came in.

''Did he do something to you''-Honcho

''No he just gave me his number and told me if I need anything his there to help me''-Y/N

''okay are you finshed picking your clothes''-Honcho

''Yes we could go I payed everything''-Y/n

Time skip

The walk back didn't feel to long because Honcho would tell me jokes and we talked the whole way. I don't even have to try to bring a conversation up. We got to BC Sol and saw someone with green pants and green coat with puppets on his hands. I remember him it's Ken Midori from the show. He was my first anime crush. It's so cute when he gets shy. We got closer and saw valt with him. Valt noticed us and smiled. Just then Ken turned around and blushed when he saw me. I blushed to because he kept looking at me. With eyes wide open I loved how kind he is to his friends and how he is determined to win.

''Hey Valt whos this''-y/n even tough I already knew who he was

''This is Ken Midori and this is Y/n l/n the one I talked to you about my new friend''-Valt

''Hey ken nice to meet you''-y/n as smiled at him

''Hey y/n nice to meet you my name is Keru''-As the blue one talked

''My name is Besu your cute''-As Keru just hit him in the head and ken blushed.

''Honcho could you help me get something from my dorm to show ken, y/n could you show him around for me and meet us at the gymnasium''-valt

''Sure lets go Ken''-Y/n I can't wait to hang out with him.

''So what brings you here Ken''-y/n

''Chris asked me to join BC Sol so I did''-Keru

''That's awesome you could eat with me everyday if you want''-y/n

''I like that and I've seen you battle before your really good''-besu


Time skip

Your pov

I showed him around and we talked all the way through the tour around BC Sol. I liked talking to him he was comfortable to talk with, even If he talked to me with his puppets. Sometimes out the corner of my eye I would catch him staring at me. He was so cute when he blushed. When we got to the gymnasium we saw valt and Honcho waiting for us in the middle of the gym. With just one bey stadium.

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