Finding shu part 2

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Your POV
I looked up and saw Shu. He looked so mad full of rage. But I knew he did this to get strong. I have to talk to him alone. Tell him I know it's him and there's other ways to get stronger.

''Where's shu and why do you have his bey''-Valt looking mad

''His dead he doesn't deserve this bey''-Shu

''No your lieing give me his bey you can't do this''-Diago

''Lets battle if you win i'll give you the bey if I win you leave and never come back''-Shu


''I will take you all on and one battle only"-Shu

Your pov
We all got ready and launched our beys but he burst all our beys. In just a few a seconds. He turned around and was about to leave. But I tackled him to the ground and I was on top of him he was facing me. I got closer to him and whispered to him

''Shu please come back I miss you I know your just doing this to get stronger but theres others was to get stronger and even now your strong to me''-as tears were coming from my eyes. It made me sad seeing him like this I want him to know I'm here for him and that it's okay and his not alone.He looked shocked and I could tell he was blushing. I had this feeling he was shocked I knew. But before he could say anything wakiya and Honcho got me off of him.

Shu pov
When I first saw y/n my heart dropped I didn't want her to see me like this. I tried to act like the tough guy but it was hard. I couldn't face her I have to leave. When I felt someone tackled me it was her she was on top of me I couldn't help but blush. She then whispered those words. How does she know it's me? Why does she look so gorgeous with tears? I don't want to see her sad. I want to see her smiling I was going to say something to her. But they pulled her off. I need to leave before I leave with them. I need to get stronger. When the door was closing she chased after me and so did the others to get her. I was far away from them already.

Your pov

When they pulled me off of him I knew he wasn't going to go with me. He got up and left. I don't what got over me but my legs ran after him. The others followed me here. We walked towards this bright light. When we got there we saw people training really hard. We saw someone with brown hair and a ripped black shirt valt told him to take a break because it looked like he going to faint but he didn't listen. Someone came up to us and told us he was waiting for us. We got there and he told us if we wanted to battle him we were going to battle copycats of us. I had one to they had our beys but different colors. We were led to a bey stadium and it was really hot. The first one to go up was Honcho.

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