Free Ending

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(You could play the song right now or wait till the marriage scene this song will be the one you dance to or you pick your own)
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I went to my room to get ready because I didn't want free to see me sweating. I went to look for Free in the forest he spent most of his time there.

I knew because we would sometimes go there with each other. The sun was going down.

I wasn't nervous to confess my feelings to free I was happy. I wanted him to know I choose him. It felt like I walked for hours even though it's just a couple minutes from Bc Sol.

When I got there he was doing push ups. I just watched him smiling at him. Happy that I have him here with me. When he stopped doing push-ups he got up and went towards me.

''I didn't knew it was 5 o clock yet sorry did I keep you waiting''-free

''No it's fine, today we don't train with each other but I need to tell you something''-y/n looking down not being able to face him from being so nervous all of sudden

''What happened''-free looking at y/n

''I realized who I truly like and it's you free I like you very much''-y/n looking at him smiling

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I smiled back at her happy that the girl I love, loves me back. I pulled her by the waist and gave her a hug. Whispering in her ear.

''Your mine now''-free hugging y/n even tighter

''I'm fine with that''-y/n smiling

''Come sit down with me''-free he pulled away and sat in the grass watching the pond

''I haven't told the others that I like you''-y/n with a worried face free grabbed my hand and held it tightly

''We will tell them together''-free and y/n laying down still holding y/n hand

''Free will you help me train tomorrow''-y/n looking at free

''I'll help you train everyday''-free also looking at y/n

Time skip

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I was glad y/n was mine now the other boys have to get away her. We were in the cafeteria with everybody in BC Sol. Y/n was looking very nervous. I held her hand in the bottom of the table giving her a reassurance face. Honcho was sitting next to y/n. He touch her shoulder asking her if she was okay since she blushed by my touch. I felt anger take over my body. I got up still holding y/n hand. By now we were both up. Everybody gasped and started asking questions about how me and her happended. I bended down and held her bridal style this made her blush really hard. She looks so beautiful. I walked away with her and before I left. I screamed out "shes mine". We walked to our spot by the pond. I layed her down and sat with her.

''I didn't knew you were jealous free''-y/n

''I didn't either every since I met you my world is turned upside down I do things that are uncharacteristic of me''-free looking at y/n

''I could say the same''-y/n laughing at how jealous we both can be

Time skip

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Bc Sol won the torment a couple years back. Me and y/n are currently 21 I asked her to marry me in front of our little spot. She said yes crying with tears of joy. Right now I was waiting nervously for her to walk down the aile with her white dress. My best man was Valt and y/n was Chris.

Suddenly I heard music play. She was walking down with a beautiful white gown. (You could pick any wedding dress).

My face was wet and I realized I was crying. I remembered the first time we met. The first time we had a deep talk with each other. When we went on dates. When we had out first kiss in our little spot. Our deep talks with each other. Cuddling when we had free time. Being known as the number one blader around the world with y/n. It was time to say our vows.

''I promise to love you  every single day even when your sick and tired''-free

''I promise to love you every single day even when your at worst and best''-y/n as the both of us kiss and everybody clapped

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We danced to our song and it felt wonderful to be dancing with the love of my life. The winter wonderland theme made it better. My hands around her waist. Her hand on my neck. Staring into each other eyes. We swayed to the music.

Once the song finished an upbeat song started. I was really happy so I danced with y/n. Everyone else danced to. Sometimes honcho would go in the middle of everyone and dance.

Once the wedding was over. I took to y/n to Cancun Mexico in a hotel near the ocean. When we got there we went to go take a swim. We stayed there for while looking at the moon. I heard y/n tell something I didn't expect her to tell me.

''Free I'm ready''-y/n

I didn't say anything and grabbed her bridal style carrying her to my room.

Time skip

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Me and y/n are currently 29 years old. After Chris retired she gave me and y/n  BC Sol. The team became more famous. Right now I'm training my son free. He looks exactly like me. Y/n wanted our son to have the same name as me. His 8 year old y/n became pregnant right after our honeymoon. Right now she's pregnant again. Her due date will be tomorrow.

''Free lets go back with your mom''-free

''But dad just train me a little more''-free son

''Your sister will be born tomorrow''- free

''Fine lets go''-free son

Time skip

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As I held my newborn daughter in our living room. I looked at y/n who had free in her arms sleeping.

''I love you''-free smiling

she started to cry smiling I asked her why. Her response was shocking

''It's just you hardly tell me that or smile with me but I love you to''-y/n smiling while blushing

''Y/n l/n how could you that even though I don't say it often I love you very much I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I didn't have feelings for you, but every single day i'll tell you how much I love so you don't ever forget that''-free smiling at y/n

''Then I will do the same to''-y/n

As both free and y/n gave a quick kiss to each other.

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