Free battle

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Your pov
Free walked up there and they announced his name. Cilo also walked up there and free gave him a death glare. Cilo just seemed to be oblivious about why free was giving him a death glare.He made it worse when he smiled at free.
"I'll win this battle and make y/n fall for me"-cilo as he just smiled at free wanting him to get mad
"We will see about that"-free as he just looked up at cilo with a dark aura
The announcer made it worse when he told the whole stadium, things were getting heated up. Without the battle starting.
"1-2-3 let it rip"-both

No one's pov

Free bey went towards the middle and this time he didn't use his usually attack he used his lancher. Cilo didn't seem to be scared. In fact he seemed to be excited he smiled. But free didn't gave to much for cilo to fight back he knocked out him of the ring.

''To bad it wasn't a burst next time it will''-free

Surprising because free didn't like to fall in to other bladers bad talk. The next battle started and this time cilo attacked first free bey was in the middle. When cilo was about to attack him free attacked him at the same time. Powerful winds surround the stadium and a burst was heard. When the winds stopped cilo bey was in the middle burst. Everyone expected him to be disappointed when he just smiled at free and told him.

''Lets battle again sometime''-As cilo left walking back with his team.

your pov

Free came walking back to us. My battle came by quickly and I didn't notice that this battle will decide who will win. I walked up there and I saw cilo I thought it would be diago this is getting weird. Something in cilo eyes when he looks at me makes me nervous. What he said next surpised me and the rest of my team diago also.

''Sorry my beloved it had to turn this way but just because I like you I won't go easy on you''-Cilo as he smirked at me and slightly blushed. How could he like me we just met. Maybe he means he likes me as in friends

''umm well I won't go easy on you just because you like me as a friend''-y/n

''I didn't mean I like you as a friend''-clio

Your pov

The stadium was really quiet. When the announcer was just as shocked as I was. The battle then started then just I suspected he had a move. Athena went towards the middle and when she did a bright light like (favorite color). A started humming a melody and he wasn't affected. I smirked because this wasn't my full power he then came out with his move and when I didn't notice his bey had Athena under and she stopped moving.

The next battle started and I didn't worry. All I need to do is show 45% of my power. When training I learned how to calculate my power. Sometimes just like Valt I would see Athena she had long brown hair and she wore a dress like the romans did it was light baby blue. Her sandals were gold and she had a gold staff with big blue ball at the top of the staff. She was like my best friend. We talked and she knew the trouble I had choosing the one I really liked. She helped me improve my power and showed many tricks. This time I started singing really low and it was a melody I learned from Athena. Cilo, free and my Beyblade style was similar. Cilo let his guard down and I used this time to strike. I started circling around him. I started to drain his power and his bey was wiggling. Athena hit him and it was too quick to see my attack. I won this battle and he seemed to get out of his trance he was in. He looked at me and told me the most shocking words.

''Now I really want to make you fall for me''-Cilo

Your pov

I couldn't believe it he just confessed to me in front of the whole world. I just walked away serious but on the inside I was so embarrassed. Free and silas looked at him with a dark aura. When I looked at honcho and diago they also had a dark aura. I just laughed at the adorable sight I had in front of me. I wonder how would the others react.

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