Part 1: Passion

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Draco had locked up and taken the book back to Audrey. Needing it out of his possession as soon as possible

It pissed him off.

He caught her just as she was about to lock the door. When she took the book back from him- she had invited him inside to discuss his overall feelings of the ending.

He told her how much he hated what happened and how no one in their right mind would pay to see that kind of play.

Which she wasn't surprised in the least.

She had the unfortunate job of telling him that thousands of people pay to see it all over the globes and have been watching this play- since it first was performed at the Globe Theater.

It disgusted him terribly.

They talked for a bit and she gave him another Shakespearean play A Midsummer Night's Dream.

What Draco wasn't expecting was to come back to my door unlocked. He knows he had locked it, but- the sort of odd thing is- there was no forced entry or anything missing. Nothing out of place either. 

Going behind the bar, he checks the cash register- which he had already emptied for the night and is still in fact empty.

Not that a thing touched or out of place.

That door was locked. I know it was.

But...I know how it could have been opened.



The door bell rings and he freezes- looking at the small display of booze bottles in front of him. The clicking of high heels sound across his wood floor and he feels he's being tricked. He doesn't dare turn around because if it's not her- he doesn't want to bare witness to yet another heart break.

"Excuse me...I was wondering if you serve Fire Whiskey here." Her sweet melodic voice fills his ear drums and his smile grows widely. Without turning around, he answers.

"It's very expensive because it's imported. I doubt you can afford it." He says playfully as he turns around. He's taken immediately by her in her wedding dress and hair done up sweetly with little flowers stuck in her low curly bun. A smile plays on her lightly painted lips a she watches him closely as he walks around the bar to her.

"How much does it cost?" She asks, a small shiver of excitement running up her spine as he stops a foot from her.

"More than you can afford." He smuggly says to her. Her hands slowly reach foreword and grip his trouser's loops with her hooked fingers.

"Give me a price...I'll pay." Searching her golden brown orbs, he looks between them to see if he can figure her out without using occlumency.

"I'll give you a price...but I won't let you pay it."

"Or what?"

"Or I may just have to keep you forever to pay off your debt."

"Is that a threat?" She smirks and he pulls her close by her hips and it takes her breath away as they're pressed pelvis to pelvis.

"It's a promise." He lowly growls and in one chest of movement, she pushes her hands up between them and they smash they're lips together- their tongues quickly getting reacquainted with each other after so many years apart. Touching his wand, he locks the door, hits the lights and aparates them into his apartment upstairs without leaving her mouth.

Pulling back, Draco turns her around and kisses her neck as he slowly undoes her dress.

It's agonizingly slow.

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