Part 3: A Day Inside

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Her body has never aches as terribly as it does this morning.

They probably got to bed around 6 in the morning after having sex all night.

It was a fucking marathon.


Rolling over, he hand falls on the empty space beside her and opening her eyes, she finds Draco missing.

Finding all the strength she can muster, Hermione pushes off of the bed and painfully makes her way to the bathroom.

How the fuck am I going to get on the loo?

Better question- how will I get up?

It's a struggle for sure. Holding onto the sink with one hand and bracing her other on the side of the toilet, she lowers herself down and just barely makes it. 

Last night was beyond amazing. She's never actually had an orgasm before apparently because she's never felt that feeling when she and Gavin had sex.

It was an exercise because her thighs shook constantly.

Her core tightened.

And she was out of breath.

Having gone, she looks around tries to find a way up. Her upper thighs feel so weak and over used that she doesn't know if she can actually stand or not.

"Mione? You in the loo?" He sweetly calls from the other side of the door.


"Alright- you okay?"

Fuck, I can't get up. Do I tell him? What if he wants to help and he comes in an I'm stuck here naked?

Idiot, he seen us naked all night.

" can't get up." She sounds tortured saying it.

"Do you want help, Love?" He asks and her stomach twists for some stupid reason.

"...yes..." She quietly says and he comes in. Seeing her on the toilet- stuck there rigid- he smiles softly and and takes her by her hand. Getting up up and into his arms, he holds her close and kisses her smooth lips. His silky boxers rub against her pelvis and she can feel him just beneath the thin fabric. "Thank you..."

"You being bashful?" He asks and tilts his head down to look at her.

"It's embarrassing." Her voice so soft and quiet as if she need to keep a secret from the room around them.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm aching too. That's why I already have breakfast done, the couch made up and no plans for the day." Turning her so she can wash her hands, she turns on the nob and remembers that she had put her panties there Friday.

"Where um...where did you put my panties...."

"On the bedroom floor..."

"No, the ones on the handle." Smirking in the mirror, he buries his face in her hair as he stands behind her- clutching her torso.

"I tossed them in the bin." It's the fastes movement she's made in the last forty minutes. Turning around she looks at him angrily.

"You there my panties in the bin?!"

"Shouldn't have been left hanging off my sink."

"They were nice panties!"

"Then you should've kept them on your body." Mouth gaping, she can't believe him. She's waiting for him to say he's joking, but he leaves her there and walks towards the kitchen, grabbing his robe off the back of his bathroom door, she pulls it on and follows him. He picks up the dustpan and shows her the panties in the brand new trash bag.

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