Part 12: Hello, Darling

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With the turn of the nob, Hermione enters the dark room, who's only light comes from a the moon illuminating through the blinds - the small blue slit of light lands in the middle of the room and as Hermione lets go of the door and takes a step forward. The heavy door slams shut fast behind her. The bang of it, causing her to jump.

Looking around, she can't see anything and having left her wand at home- for whatever dumb reason she had at the time- she finds it hard to navigate.

"Hello?" She quietly calls out through the very dimly lit space. "Is anyone in here? I heard crying and..."

As she walks closer to the light from the full moon, she notices a small pair of toes breaching the light streak on the floor.

"Hello?" She extends her hand into the light and waits for it to be taken.

But something doesn't feel right.

Her chest feels heavy and her stomach twists hard several times as is someone is winding the key to a mobile toy and waiting to release it to sputter away.

The toes disappear from the light and yet, she doesn't hear any foot steps around the room.

"I'm Hermione...Can...can you tell me your name?" She asks- trying to keep her voice calm and level. Suddenly, the light come on- blinding her for a few minutes and before her, she find a bright yellow room, a very familiar room that she swears she's been in before...or at least gazed upon. A slight tug on the back of her dress makes her jump and she turns around to see...him. "He...hello....Darling."

Before her, in a tiny black tuxedo and bow tie, is Draco.

Four year old Draco.

Looking around, she understands exactly why this feel familiar. This is the exact scene where his mother and father were fighting and she lost the baby.

"Are you my mommy?" He asks and she looks around before gazing back at the white haired boy, who's sparkling silver eyes seem to flicker to black slight the longer she looks into them.

Something isn't right here.

Something is definitely not right.

"I'm afraid not."


"Be...because...." She feels foggy almost. As if her mind is slowly being gone through like a book and someone is quickly tearing out the pages of it. The small Draco presses the side of his face into her stomach as if listening closely.

"I hear her." He says plainly and Hermione furrows her brows confused.

"He...hear who?"

"Your baby girl...she isn't very old....two weeks I'd say." As she swallows she looks down and Draco is gone. "Are you scared?"

Turning quickly, she finds a slightly older Draco stoking over towards her- hair slicked back and his quidditch uniform looking new and pristine.

"Of course not." She bravely answers. "Are you?"

"Haha! Why would I be scared?" She watches him pace around her- his eyes quickly flashing to all black before turning back to those beautiful silvers. "Filthy little Mudblood like you ought to be scared."

"Well I'm not. Not of you anyway." She declares and he disappears before she can blink and when she does, there he is leaning against the door, biting into a green apple from third year.

"That's the problem with you Mudbloods. You don't understand that your place is beneath us." He flicks away and pops up behind her in all black, taller and more threatening looking. "In the ground...six feet down. Buried, buried, buried deep the bones. We steal from the mother. We kill the daughter. We curse the father: that's how this goes."

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