Part 28: A Trying Tale

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As the day finally arrives, Hermione and Draco show up in court- together- much to the surprise of Gavin and his cop buddies who sit in the gallery waiting for chaos to reign. However, a a tall bald muscular man in a tailored suit comes in with a brief case, Gavin swallows hard.

"Barrister Tobin Guffry presiding. All rise." The bailiff states and Draco and Hermione stand next to each other holding hands as an older man with his powdered wig hanging below his shoulders and his black robe neatly pressed.

"Please be seated." He states and pulls out his glasses, placing them on his face as he begins to read over the legal statement. "What do we have here? A case of PFA's for domestic violence.... hmm. Draco Malfoy? Hermione Malfoy?"

"Present, your honor." Draco state as well as Hermione. The Barrister looks down at them and notices their close proximity.

" two don't seem to be biding to the legal document...and you don't really seem to be two victims of abuse either." He says and now the military lawyer- Captain Wade Garrett stands.

"Your honor, I am Captain Wade Garrett. I am the Malfoy's legal counsel."

"And whom will you be representing?"

"Both of them your honor- you see- neither Mr. nor Mrs Malfoy stated that they wanted a PFA against one another. In fact neither of the Malfoy's were even heard during the police interrogation. And we have proof to suggest that their privacy of their home had been breached enforce their incident happened- I even have further proof that Mr. Gavin Hunter as well as his co-conspirators- were staging a coo as well as planned and executed an attack with a fire arm two months ago- that send Mr. Malfoy to the hospital after a gun was fired in his own business."

"And you have all this evidence with you?"

"Yes, your Honor- I do. And fortunately for you and my clients- as well as the jurors- all four of our suspects are here to day in the gallery." As he says this, Gavin and the others try to escape out the back, but the security team stops them.

"Well, let's get on with this very intriguing trial."


They went through everything. Wade had dug deep into all the archives and hacked everything her could to get all the proof he needed to show the court that Gavin's cop Buddy shotDraco back in July and the video tapes from the Pub showed Gavin and his friends falsely entering the apartment.

The Barrister and the Jury didn't even need to call any witnesses or hear the pleas from Gavin and his men- Wade had everything. Everything down to the texts sent from Gavin's phone to Reece's telling him what to do in the interrogations.

Hermione and Draco were never so pleased in their life as the Barrister banged the gavel and found all the men guilty for attempted murder- as well as creating false accusations- among other things.

So as they leave arm and arm- Hermione. Stops at Gavin, who is hand cuffed and being escorted passed them.

"You shouldn't have messed with me or my husband. You lost- get over it. I hope prison takes good care of you." She says and Draco smirks as he pulls his wife close and they leave.

"You fucking Witch! You'lol pay for this! You hear me! You'll pay!"

"Confundus." She whispers under her breath, and it causes him to slide into a guard.

"Are you trying to attack a guard?!"

"No! No! I swear! I was her! She's a witch! I tell you! A witch!" His screams dwindle as he's hauled off.

"You are bad." Draco whispers in her ear. "I love it."

"You're such a bad influence." They share a kiss and as they round the corner to leave.

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