Part 24: PFA Bullshit

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Sitting at a metal table, an Inspector stares at Draco intently. He's been sitting there for almost half an hour and hasn't talked to anyone.

This man just stares at him.

Finally the door opens up and a short pudgy balding man walks in and the other Inspector gets up.

"Evening, sorry for the delay. I'm Inspector Donald Reeves. I will remind you that this session is videotaped and can be used legally in court as evidence if such is needed. Do you understand?" Draco nods.


"Can you state your full name?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." He says as he leans back in the chair and holds onto his elbow. They made him dress in a pair of his sweatpants and a t shirt before they hauled him off here. His head has been throbbing since they hit him with the butt of their gun.

"Can you recount what happened earlier this evening?"

"I was in an argument with my wife and one of your constables bashed me in the back of my head with the butt of their gun before pulling me off of her."

"And when you say they pulled you off of your wife- in what manner were you on her?" Draco bites his inner cheek and inwardly sighs.

"She was laying on her stomach- on the bed and I was on her arse...holding her arms down."

"And we're you naked as well."


"What were you doing prior to the incident?"

"We were arguing."

"Naked? Seems a bit..."

"We were having sex— then I left to the restroom and she followed me in and we started arguing."

"Why were you arguing?" Draco stares at the table and then finally looks up at the Inspector- a tear brimming in his right eye.

"We had lost a baby a few weeks ago and hadn't been intimate since...tonight we tried, but I...huh— I couldn't do it. I seen how distraught and how much pain she was in and I had to just stop it. So I did. I went into the bathroom to find some peace to calm myself down and she came in."

"Was she angry."

"No. She understood why I was upset."

"So when did it turn into a confrontation?"

"When I suggested that maybe know move on from each other."

"And is that what you want?"

"No! Of course not. I love Hermione with my whole existence."

"Then why suggest it?"

"Because I thought it was maybe what she wanted but she was too scared to say it. Or I thought maybe a bit of time away would heal us from the loss that we would be able to be happy again."

"Did you say that to her?"

"No- she got upset and angry. So we began to argue and she tried to walk away. She was trying to pack up her things because she thought that's what I wanted."

"And what did you do next?" Donald makes a note before looking at Draco.

"I grabbed her arms and as she tried to get me to let go, I forced her down onto the bed and sat on her."

"Restraining her as you said earlier."


"Have you ever done that to her or anyone else before- restrain them, I mean."

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