Part 23: Arrest

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It was faster than anything she's ever witnessed.

One minute Draco's on top of her- pleading angrily and the next Bobbies are busting down the door followed by none other than Gavin. They pull Draco from Hermione after bashing the butt of a gun into the back of his head.

The only thing Hermione could do was grab the sheet from the bed and start screaming at them to stop and to let him go.

Gavin stood in the corner watching with an ever small grin on his face. The Policemen read Draco his rights- though he didn't comprehend them due to the throbbing pain in his skull.

They drug him down the steps and into the police car, while one suggested to Hermione that she get dressed and give her statement down town.

Gavin road with her and the whole way there- she brewed and growled at the thought that he had anything to do with this.

Once at the police station, Hermione doesn't see Draco any where as they lead her to an interrogation room.

She waits— impatiently.

"Evening Ma'am. I'm Inspector Donald Reeves. How are you doing?" A short older man, who's balding on top and pudgy on the bottom- presents himself politely as he enters the small courtiers with two cups in his hands. "Tea, Ma'am?"

"Thank you."

"Can I get your full name for the record, Ma'am?" He asks as he picks up the clipboard off the other sit across the table from her and sits down.

"Hermione Jean Malfoy."

"Is that your maiden name,  Ma'am?" She looks down  and then back up at him.

"No. My maiden name is Granger, Sir...this is all a mistake—." She begins and Donald just looks up at her and clenches his teeth back. He examines the girl- who had rapidly threw on whatever article of clothing she could find. Her blouse with Draco's jeans- slightly too long and just a tad to big in the waist for her. All she could do was slip into her heels before racing after the Constable.

"Well, Miss Granger..."

"Malfoy. Hermione Malfoy- you arrested my husband on false pretenses and false accusations that I did not report."  She exclaims and the Inspector looks at her- his short mustache twitching with his inward curling lips.

"We are fully aware you personally did not call us. I'm just here to ask you a few questions and get an idea of why we were called in the first place." Tapping his pen on the top of the clipboard, Donald pauses before beginning. "This session will be recorded and can be used as evidence in a court of law if need be."

"Court...this...this isn't going to court."

"So you're not going to file charges against your attacker?"

"My Husband did not attack me."

"That's not what was reported."

"Please— tell me— what was reported to you, because it's all a big misunderstanding. I can tell you that one for free." She growls.

"Please calm down, Ma'am. I'm only here to help. Let's start from the beginning."

"Alright— my husband and I were having intercourse."

"Is it common practice for him to hold you down while you scream for him to quote 'get off, you're hurting me— please get off..' end quote."

"No...But that was after—." He cuts her off.

"So you two had intercourse and then he was holding you down and hurting you?"

"No, he was upset and went to the restroom and I went and was trying to talk to him."

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