Ch. 145: Comrádái

726 42 22

"3. 2. 1. Now!"

Remy had counted down to coordinate with Dimitri. Simultaneously, they had clicked their buttons activating the explosive charges on the iron grids covering the vents, they were supposed to enter from.

The explosions were loud, and the bindings of the grids gave in sending the grids to the floor far below them. If the explosions had not alerted Vasyl's people, then the sounds of those massive grids making contact with the concrete would.

From ropes tethered inside the vents, the guys slid down into the massive corridors inside the tobacco factory. The corridors were wide with high ceilings to accommodate pitchforks and other transportation vehicles back when production had been active.

Outside, the area snipers away from the compound had taken out all obviously moving guards to move in, after the rooftop team had climbed the building and gotten into place.

Undetected, luckily.

The ground teams had moved in from both entry points. At the parking lot they had laid low and crept along the cars to get closer before openly attacking. Where the entrance team had opened the gates from the panel in the small house where the guards had been taken out by the snipers.

Any visually moving enemy target in the large area outside the buildings had been taken out by the snipers on the rooftop. All men wore 4 reflective marking patches. One on each arm and one on their front and one on their back for the snipers to be able to distinguish between friend and enemy.

The rest of the rooftop team had forced their way into the building from the rooftop entrance and gone on a killing spree, putting Vasyl's men out of commission.

Shock grenades and smoke grenades had forced Vasyl's people to flee the building. Those who had not fled were killed on sight after putting up whatever fight they had the balls to muster. The rest had fled outside where the snipers and ground teams had gone at them, taking them out.

All buildings were being invaded to be cleared.

Bodies paved the outside area.

Ukrainian mostly.

But, as anticipated, also Russian and Italian.

They would be mourned and respected for their sacrifice and participation. But they had died for the cause and done so with no regrets.

Horse had called in the body trucks, retrieval cars, escorts and getaway trucks to stay close when needed.

The ground area was being neutralized effectively, with no hitches.

Updates were called out through the comms for all to know progress from the different teams. Each hacker in complete control of communication from their team leaders to the others.

Inside on the first sublevel, Remy, Kirill and Kolja's teams began their search for the party room. It was an impossibly long corridor with several ways to turn along the way. From Cellmate's study of the Blueprints and what Aidan had been able to give them of information, they took a chance going for the largest of the cargo holds hoping it would the place of the party.

Every door on the way a few men would enter and secure to be confident an ambush was not waiting in one of them. When cleared they would join the others moving in on the party room.

Not even close to the room, they got Cellmate's theory confirmed. Guards came out from the door they were aiming for. More came swarming down the stairs and from the other end of the corridor.

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