Ch. 153: I'll get you the name of his childhood teddy bear

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Ripping desperately at his restraints, Giovanni screamed and cried. His eyes rolled to only show the white several times.

The pain was excruciating.

Vittorio showed no emotions at the sight. As sick as it sounded, he rather enjoyed it because he knew what Giovanni had been the cause of. "So, let's try if your memory works. Do you know why you're here?"

"Because you want to kill me?" Giovanni gasped between screams.

"You got that half right. Let's continue with another thirty minutes of thinking time." Vittorio ignored Giovanni's pleads for mercy and his attempts to tell what he knew.

The timer was set for thirty minutes and Aidan once again took over.

Giovanni's left foot got the same treatment as his hand.

"I'll ask you again, why do you think you're here?"

"You know about the man." Giovanni was panting to control the pain and his screams. It was more at the hyperventilating stage of breathing, but who cared?

It was almost impossible for him to think, the pain and fear scrambled his brain. He had thought he was in the clear because Vittorio had not at any point over the years led him to believe he knew about anything.

The pain was too much. He knew karma, in the form of a pissed off mafia boss, had caught up with him and it was time to pay for his sins.

Giovanni was not sure which was worse, the strange man from years back or Vittorio.

Either way, he was ready to tell Vittorio everything.

"Well, well, you could've started with that. You know I know everything, right?" Tapping his shoe against the concrete floor, Vittorio waited for Giovanni to agree.

He was not sure if he knew much of anything, he had a lot of theories which could be backed up with some of the evidence Gareth's men had found. He had Patricia's tale and what he had been told of Mackenzie's life by Phoenix.

He did not know anything for sure.

He definitely did not know everything.

Luckily for him, Giovanni did not know that.

"Good, now let's see if our information matches up. You will tell me everything from the beginning. If you just once lie to me, then my friend here has plenty of tricks up his sleeves."

Aidan did not react at all to Vittorio's statement, he was still in his void Extractor persona, nothing got to him. And he surely had enough ways to make people talk and regret.

Maybe Aidan did not react, but Giovanni shot Aidan a fearful look. Since his head was strapped in place, Giovanni formed a thumbs up with his good hand and wiggled it eagerly at Vittorio.

It was sing like a canary time.

"I don't know who he is. Vic, I swear. He was just some guy, claiming he wanted to open an account and had demanded to see me about it because it would be a sizable business account."

That did not come as s surprise. A completely generic ruse to get to one's target.

Common practice, really.

It seemed like Giovanni had gotten used to the pain. Not enough to ignore it, he was still panting and crying, making little twitches and trying hard to stop his muscles from spasming.

But enough to talk.

"He threatened my wife and the kids. Told me if I didn't do as he wished, they would die. He knew where the kids went to school, their sport activity schedule and music lessons. He had Concetta's weekly routine of charity work and meeting with the other ladies. He knew everything, I knew he could get to them. I couldn't let them die and what he asked was nothing compared to their lives."

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