Ch. 2: What is it you want?

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She turned around and pushed herself a bit back from him.

"Gareth!" she hissed, while her eyes were shooting daggers at him.

There he was.

Gareth fucking Tempest!

His well-built lean 6'4" of steel hard muscles in a black suit that probably cost more than most make in a month. His signature black dress shirt and light grey almost silvery tie clearly visible under the casually unbuttoned jacket.

He never wore any jewelry other than his beloved Patek Philippe watch and his family ring on his pinky finger; he did not need anything else to flash his wealth.

The suit complemented his perfect swimmer body, revealing toned muscles rather than bulky ones. His broad shoulders, his torso which narrowed into a V; the dress shirt discreetly showing his rippled stomach when the jacket was unbuttoned.

The shiny, black leather belt holding the suit pants around his narrow hips with an eye-catching gleam to that part of his body. The pants folding sensually around his long, toned legs finished off with handsewn Italian shoes.

If clothes indeed made the man, he was made!

Gareth's face was expressionless.

His chiseled jaw always closely shaved making his jawline and cheekbones visible; his skin smoothly stretched flawlessly exhibiting the small indentations of dimples which showed when he smiled, something he rarely did.

A straight nose and well arched eyebrows over ice-blue eyes which seemed to be able to see through to people's souls.

Unlike most businessmen he had semi-long dark hair gelled back neatly only allowing a few stray strands to fall into his forehead leading focus to his eyes.

With an aura of control and danger engulfed in sinful darkness, it all came together accentuating everything he already knew he was.

Big, strong and devilishly handsome.

Rich, successful and powerful.

Exuding that he was used to getting everything he wanted.

Tall as a house he towered over her smiling mischievously. A little evil yet amused glint in his icy blue eyes when he saw her reaction.

God, she looked incredible, he thought looking at her. The four years had been very kind to her. The weight loss had been what she needed, not that she had not been incredibly beautiful before. But the confidence he had seen in her on the dancefloor she had not had back then, and it added to her beauty that she at long last liked herself.

He had never cared what size she was; she was beautiful inside and out.

He had wanted her.

Ached for her.

And now she was going to be his.

Out of nowhere her hand came up and slammed hard against his newly shaven cheek. He even felt her long nails as she pulled her hand back.

He did not even blink, she thought in amazement and sadly a little respect.

Not a flinch.

"That's for ghosting me 4 years ago!" she raged. She saw how he was set in stone when she had hit him, and she was terrified when she noticed his icy stare change into molten lava of anger as he reached out for her.

For a moment he was speechless.

That girl had a mean left hand; he would give her that. If she had had her hand fisted, she could have left a bruise.

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