Ch. 104: Zhena?

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Since Gareth had a meeting that he could not get out of and Phoenix had set Jace's birthday party for 9 PM, because then everybody would be done with their day and able to attend, Mackenzie made her way to Neville's Sportsbar to pass the time with the other people from Granston's for the Friday bar.

Gareth had said they could grab a bite before the party.

Phoenix had not wanted something big with a lot of food when the party was being held in a hospital room. He had requested a birthday cake, which Mackenzie gladly had made and gotten delivered to The Mansion. Natalya would be in charge of drinks and Phoenix's mom had already decorated the room like kid's birthday party days prior, not that it needed balloons and streamers added to the flower power wonderland she already had made the room into.

Walking in Mackenzie had instructed her bodygoons to find a table and lay low. They were more than happy to be at a bar compared to some of the salons and dress shops Mackenzie had dragged them to, so they went to a table with big smiles on their faces.

Like last time the atmosphere was relaxed and welcoming. People were standing in groups around tables talking and drinking. Same scenario, different day. It was nice that one thing had not changed, Mackenzie liked that.

She easily found Eve and her harem of men from last time. Dieter and Christian being among them. Mackenzie waved at her and joined them. Eve was practically jumping up and down with having Mackenzie there.

"Oh, my God, it's so nice to see you again," Eve gushed in her usual happy excitement. "Have you been sick again? You've not been to work much this week?"
"No, not me. A friend of mine had an accident and is in a coma. We take turns sitting with him."
"I'm so sorry to hear that."

How Eve went from super excited to caring and empathetic in 0.1 second had to be a masterful skill to hold.

"Will he be ok?"
"We don't know. We've not lost hope. It's a hard wait, though."
Eve grabbed Mackenzie's arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Come, have a drink or two. It probably won't help, but it can't make matters worse either."

True story.

Christian went to the bar to get drinks and Dieter was at Mackenzie's side in moments. It did not escape Mackenzie's attention; she just did not care. And it did not bother her, maybe that was what being married did?

"I'm sorry about your friend. It's good to see you again, though. How are you?"
"I'm good. And you?"
"Great now that you're here." Dieter made no effort to hide the underlying meaning.

It was not a conversation Mackenzie wanted to get into. She ignored his obvious attempt and turned all her attention on the conversation at the table. Dieter apparently knew better than to push it.

Two drinks in and a lot of cheerful talk later Alyssa joined them as planned. She was going with them to Jace's birthday party. It was nice she and Cracker had hit it off that well. Alyssa was so in love and Cracker was whipped. He did everything he could to make her happy.

That blind date had been one of Mackenzie's best ideas to date.

"Girl, I'm so excited for that business trip next week."
"I can feel that," Mackenzie laughed overbearingly.

Alyssa had stars in her eyes, and it was not the notion of a business trip that had her on cloud nine. It was the fact that Cracker was coming too.

When Gareth and Mackenzie had planned their 'honeymoon' Gareth had suggested that if he brought Alyssa and Cracker it would look more like something business related and Mackenzie going too would not raise any eyebrows. She and Alyssa could go shopping or lounge at cafés while he and Cracker held meetings and they could have fun in the evenings. Gareth had a feeling Cracker wanted to show Alyssa his home, which would give them some time to go see his and maybe a detour to The Chateau.

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