Ch. 98: Please make me cum for you

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Tears welled up in her eyes when he said it.

Those words meant the world to her. Hearing them was her rush. They were forgiveness for her disobedience or failures. They meant she had earned him, and their pleasure together. A way for them to wipe the slate clean.

Until next time.

"No, malyshka, don't cry. You were such a good girl, I'm proud of you. Please, no more tears." Gareth leaned in and kissed her new tears away, licking his lips tasting the saltiness. "Do you need something to drink?"
"Champagne kiss?" Mackenzie asked with bright eyes.

Gareth laughed relieved that she had stopped crying. "You've earned it."

He gave her three champagne kisses. Savoring how she practically sucked the champagne out of his mouth. Whenever he tried to pull away from her, she snatched his mouth back to hers.

"Are you ok, malyshka?"
"How's your pussy feeling, can you handle if I give you an orgasm, you need release to sleep."
"An orgasm and sleep? You're kidding right?"

Mackenzie sent him an angry glare. "Do you really think that an orgasm will be enough? If you don't fuck me within the next 5 minutes, pretty boy, I'm filing for divorce first thing in the morning!"
"You wouldn't dare?"
"Try me."

It was like something snapped inside Gareth.

"Did you just threaten me to get what you want?" he growled at her.

Mackenzie did not answer, she saw that she had pushed him from lovingly playful straight back into dominant mode. Evil dominant if she was not mistaken.

"I want an answer and I want it fucking now, doll!" He locked eyes with her making sure she saw exactly how much trouble she was in.
"Yes, Sir. I did."

He pushed back from her. Eyes cold as ice with fierce determination in all his moves. Immense rage pulsed off him in waves so strong Mackenzie felt it.

Gareth went to his closet and came back with some leather belt looking straps, only wider, and a few lengths of rope. Without a word or even looking at her he bent her leg one by one and fastened the leather straps tightly around her ankle and thigh to keep them locked chicken wing style. He looped the rope in under her knees and tied each leg to the bedposts near her hands leaving her with obscenely spread legs and no way of closing them.

"Present that pussy to me," he barked angrily as he settled between her legs and roughly grabbed her thighs to push her legs farther apart, though they were as parted as possible.

Fearfully Mackenzie lifted her hips as much as her position allowed. There was no doubt in her mind, that she had fucked up and angered him. It had been a joke to point out how much she wanted him to fuck her. That clearly had not sat well with Gareth and she was about to pay for it.

Gareth's fingers slid up and down her pussy lips and after a while he found her clit. He teased her roughly until she let out a groan.

"We need to get a few things straight," Gareth told her with an ice-cold voice. "I'll ask you some questions and you'll answer honestly and nothing else. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir."

He kept playing with her clit and looked her dead I the eyes.

Chills ran down her spine at the sight of him.

"I asked you who you belonged to. It was a sexual reference and in no way a property question. What was your answer?"
"You, Sir."
"I asked if this little pussy was mine. What was your answer?"
"That it was, Sir."
"I asked if you wanted to marry me. What was your answer?"
"Yes, Sir."
"The judge asked me if I took you as my wife. What was my answer?"
"That you did, Sir"

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