Ch. 32: Would you believe the boy is clueless?

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Smiling about her upcoming night with Jace Mackenzie walked into Granston Holding's building towards the elevators after having thanked Jace for driving her. She looked forward to a movie night with him like they had had back then.

When Gareth had ghosted her and she had cut all ties with him, Mackenzie had cut all ties with every single one of his men too, including the ones she called personal friends.

It had been necessary for many reasons.

Among others, her dignity had demanded it. She did not want to be the rejected woman clinging on to the friends of somebody who would not have her. Or ever having them feel like she was only being their friend because she could not let go.

Mackenzie knew their loyalty should always lie with Gareth and she had not given them the choice to make any decision regarding her place in their world. She had withdrawn from the battlefield and that had been it.

They had been missed.

"Miss Angel!" The receptionist called and waved her over with large motions of her hands.
"Yes? Is something wrong?"

The young woman smiled never having her blue-grey eyes leaving Mackenzie's face. She flicked her brown hair and reached under the reception desk before holding an envelope for her.

"Mr. Tempest asked me to give this to you when you came. He said he didn't know when you'd be in and I'd have to keep a sharp eye out."
"Then thank you. Wouldn't want the boss on your case."
She laughed. "I know right? That man can be scary."
"No doubt. Pissing him off is not among the top five things I'd ever want to do."

Though all he had done when she had pissed him off in the past was yell at her, it was still freakishly scary when he reacted.

The receptionist laughed again. "I like you. You should come later for the company Friday bar."
"Friday bar?"
"Yes, it's at Neville's sports bar just across the street. Just look for me there. I'm Eve by the way."

Mackenzie liked the woman; she was up-beat and friendly. Unlike herself she had pure joy written all over her pretty face, seemed bubbly and helpful. She was receptionist material if she ever saw it.

"I have to meet somebody later I think."
"Oh, you can bring your friend if you want. Many have boyfriends or girlfriends join during the evening."
"I'll think about it, thank you for inviting me."
"No problem. We need more women there. And if you can't today then we have them every Friday."

Walking to the elevator Mackenzie opened the envelope from Gareth. It held a Granston's company credit card and a small note saying:

'Dolly dear, would you mind ordering lunch for 3 from one of your secret street food places and bring it to my office at about 12.30? Gareth. PS. You have lunch plans today.'

Commanding fucker!

What if she had already had plans? It was so typically him to just demand like that. Then she smiled. His handwriting was atrocious in a way, it resembled him, it was sharp with controlled curves and edges of the letters. It was clear he rarely wrote notes like that.

Then again knowing Gareth he was more the mail or text kind of guy.

Somehow it made her feel warm inside knowing that as perfect as Gareth was, he did have his limitations, though he probably would never own up to having shitty handwriting. He would call it masculine and excuse it with technology taking over.

She smiled from ear to ear walking to her office. There was no point in denying it. Gareth made her smile.

Mackenzie had barely turned on her computer before Alyssa came rushing into her office. "Where did you run off to yesterday?"
"And good morning to you too," Mackenzie sighed.
"Yeah, yeah. What happened? You don't usually leave early. Are you ok? Is it something with your mother?"

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