Ch. 52: Same reason, different men

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Mackenzie sat on her bed looking at her phone.

For the hundredth time she had tried to write an apology to Gareth but deleted it. How would one even phrase that kind of apology? 'Sorry I called you a pimp and a violent beast, let's have dinner?'.

She sighed at herself, at her stupidity. Gareth had been nothing but sweet to her, had time and time again proven that he meant her no harm, and yet whenever she had the chance, she would doubt him and treat him like trash.

If she could justify it with her punishing him for what he did to her when he ghosted her it would maybe, maybe, make it better, she could not.

It had nothing to do with that.

Truth be told she was afraid. Afraid she would give in and get sucked into thinking things could be as she had dreamed, for it to be taken away from her again. He could still be in danger for knowing her, for being with her, even though she was not sure anymore.

It had been a long time since last time. It had been over a year since her last reminder that being Vittorio's daughter came with a price.

'I'm sorry.'

Short and to the point.

Mackenzie was about to send it when she heard somebody in the apartment. Nobody had been there since Gareth had left except for the housekeeper. She hoped it was the housekeeper, but the hairs at the back of her neck knew better. She could sense it was Gareth.

She ran to the door and poked her head out and sneaked barefoot to the living room.

Gareth was standing by the window with a drink in his hand. His jacket was carelessly swung over the back of the white couch and he was flipping through something on his phone.

"I thought you'd be asleep now? Did I disturb you?"

He kept his back to her not sure if he would break down and start groveling at the mere sight of her. How was it she had that power over him?


5 minutes of backbone before he gave in, he had to be able to do that. Vittorio had claimed that she had admitted to loving him, he clung to that. Gareth was ready to tell her he was sorry for flipping a switch on her, he was ready to take it all on himself, if taking the blame was what he needed to do to ease her and have her back, he would do it.


5 minutes.

He stood firm waiting for her reply.



She was right behind him. He could smell her perfume; he had not heard her move at all. He felt her hands on his back slowly sliding around his waist. Gareth stiffened at her touch; he had not expected that.

"I wasn't asleep." she whispered against his back as she leaned her head against it. "I have barely slept since you left."
"What the hell, Mackenzie?" He turned abruptly in her arms and glared angrily at her. "You're recovering, you should sleep and take care of yourself."
"I can't sleep when you're mad at me."
"Fuck. Dolly, I'm not mad at you. I'm sad that you think I'm that deprived of morals."
"I don't. I promise you. What you did for me, for my mother..."

Holding him closer she nestled against his chest. "Not even my dad wanted to do that."
"If he had known the details, I'm sure he would. I'm glad I could help. Can we please stop talking about it?"

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