Ch. 64: I'm a man, which pretty much translates to idiot

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Mackenzie dropped her head back, her mouth fell open and a throaty moan escaped her lips, then her body convulsed.

Intense did not cover it.

Mesmerizing, maybe.

It was indescribable to him. It was a feeling not a visual experience only. He could not take credit for any of it, that was all Mackenzie.

Sensing he was there Mackenzie floated away.

She felt the release in her body, all the pent-up tension which had been built left her in an explosion of colors flashing before her eyes and then she felt light. Like she was floating. She no longer felt the restraints, the lingering pain or even the pleasure.

She was just there; floating in nothing.

Gareth waited ready to release her when the orgasm died down, he did not touch her before in fear of ruining the sensation in her. Suddenly she went limp and hung in her restraints. In a flash he stood beside her awkwardly bowing under her arm, he released her arms and gently leaned her forward to place her on the bed. Then he released her legs and returned to her side.

"Malyshka, are you there?"

She stirred a little but did not answer him.

"Relax. I'm here for you. Take all the time you need." Gareth smoothed back her sweaty hair and made soothing circles on her back. He did not try to move her into a more comfortable position, she needed time to return from where she had been.

Mackenzie's eyelids fluttered open. All she saw was black for a second until she realized she was staring into Gareth's pant leg. He had one warm hand on her head absentmindedly stroking her hair and one on her back between her shoulder blades gently massaging her.

"Right here."

She looked up at him and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, Mackenzie," he muttered while scooting a little closer and lifting her head into his lap. "Go ahead. Cry, darling. Get it out."

Ignoring the ache in her body Mackenzie crawled up to him and curled up in his lap with his strong, protective arms around her. Her ass was stinging against the fabric of his pants, the corsage felt restricting but none of it mattered.

He was there for her.

Mackenzie cried like her heart had broken. Like she had broken. Gareth was afraid she had. He held her tightly kissing her hair, he wanted to do more, but he did not have a clue what she needed, she seemed to be content in his arms.

"It was beautiful," Mackenzie finally sniffled against his chest long after her crying had died down. "I had never thought anything like that was possible. Thank you so much."
"You're thanking me?" His voice was high-pitched with disbelief. "I should be thanking you."

She looked up at him, her eyes big and dark, tears still clung to her lashes and red spots were gracing her cheeks. To him she became more and more beautiful with each moment he spent with her.

"Are you ok? Can I get you anything?"
"I know I promised to get you a drink, but I could use one, so could you."
"I'll get you one. Gin and lime like always?"

Mackenzie laughed at him. Of course, he would get her preferred drink for her.

She nodded.

Carefully Gareth helped her down from his lap and wrapped the bedcover over her to keep her warm and went to get their drinks. He could have a drink now. He had given her something they both had not expected, he could relax.

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