Ch. 180: Don't even go there, mate

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"Where are we going?"

"Why do you keep asking that? You're worse than Rein," Mackenzie laughed and turned another corner, driving through the city.

"Because I'm curious. You made me dress up, had the kids go play with their grandparents and you took my bloody car."

"It's a surprise, Pretty boy. Now relax, we're there soon."

"I don't like surprises. I've had enough of those to last me a lifetime," Gareth grumbled, looking out at the buildings they passed, trying to figure out where they were going. "But if it involves a luxury hotel and you wearing something sexy under that stunning dress, I could be persuaded."

"Dream on."

The puppy dog eyes he sent her made Mackenzie smile. Sometimes when he showed that playful boyish side of himself, she understood how much he had changed. Or maybe it was not a change, maybe it was Gareth being himself fully.

It was growth, not change.

Since the day in the basement, everybody had slowly given themselves permission to find a new rhythm, to find their lives. It had taken all of them a few days to digest and come to terms with what had happened and what it meant for them, but then Mackenzie had noticed people blossoming.

Especially Gareth.

He was still a workaholic, still a ruthless opponent when it came to business, not that she snooped much into that, he sometimes told her of new business deals he was involved in. He was on top of everything happening in the underground and he had no troubles controlling his cities it would seem. That, though, she attributed to Gareth be a wise people person and knowing his men and which would be best suited for each city.

It was in their home life she had seen the difference.

His promise of training and getting stronger had become a near obsession to him. Each day she saw improvements, how he could use his body more efficiently, take the stairs faster and without being out of breath or in pain after. In bed, his stamina had become impressive and his creativeness had taken a drastic turn towards something addictive.

Most of the energy he had gained he put into his commitment to fatherhood.

He would take Rein swimming, play ball or even just sit and play video games. He could spend hours being Leoni's pony and trot her around in the garden or house. They would play hide and seek, and he had gotten quite good at hiding in plain sight, laughing like a jolly Santa when they found him. And he would lie on the floor coloring with Leoni. If possible, his coloring was even uglier than his handwriting, not that Leoni minded, she would sweetly praise him and be overjoyed with his use of colors.

In all honesty, even Picasso would slap him and tell him to calm the fuck down with the colors.

It always made Mackenzie's heart swell to see him interacting with the kids. Not that he had neglected them before, he was just able to physically keep up with them and they were over the moon with his attention and ability to be part of their games, rather than observe them.

That Mackenzie shared with them.

Gareth had always been an active part in their relationship. The change was in his lack of desperation and having to try so damned hard to make her understand his feelings and intentions. He had stopped being jittery and worried when she left his sight, he still called her from work and sent cute texts, but they were not to check up on her in fear of her disappearing, they were Gareth in love, behaving the way she had not allowed him before.

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