Ch. 119: You have a really big...

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After forced orgasm number three, Lorelai slumped over, hanging in her wrist cuffs heaving for air. Tony was with her as fast as he could along with a very tall man, who had been sitting at the other side of the room.

Mackenzie had not noticed any of the spectators, she had not cared about them. She was curious when the tall man ran up and grabbed Lorelai. He kissed her deeply, calling her 'sweetheart' and held her while Tony got her restraints loosened.

"Who's he?" Mackenzie looked up at Gareth after she had closed his pants.
"Don't ask, dolly. That's none of our business."
"Ok, sorry."

With a little smile Gareth grabbed her chin and held her gaze. "Don't say that. I understand your curiosity, I feel that way too sometimes when I'm here, but you need to let it go. Other people's business will always be theirs."
"I understand."
"Get up here and kiss me, dolly."

Slithering seductively up closer to his face Mackenzie felt how the heat from earlier came back. Her skin became sensitive and ready for his touch, she wanted him. She was ready for him.

Gareth wanted to take her right there. He needed to be inside her fully. Her mouth always felt amazing, it was fulfilling for him. Still, fucking her properly was the best.

"I need to use you, doll," he mumbled against her lips when he had kissed her roughly. "I can't wait for this to be over. I want you so bad."
"If they're going to fuck, why can't we?"
"I'm not letting them look at you naked, malyshka. They're strangers."

The protective jealousy in Gareth's voice combined with the absolute look of horror made Mackenzie smile. He was always doing his best to protect her from her ugly past. He could be ok with one person they trusted like Devil, but a room full of strangers he would not allow under any circumstances.

It was a turn on when he was like that. It made her trust him even more. They were not like Tony and Lorelai. They too had their kinks, they were just different.

"Did you enjoy the show, lovebirds?" Tony had come over and was sipping a glass of champagne.
"Is she ok?" Mackenzie quickly asked with concern for Lorelai.
"She's fine, she's being taken good care of while she recovers before the next part."

He tossed his head towards the bed under the window where Lorelai was giggling at something the very tall man had said.

"You don't have to stay for that, though it usually doesn't take to long. The guys are frisky, they'll blow their load within minutes."

His laugh made Gareth chuckle.

"How often do you guys do this?"
"I don't know. Maybe every three months or so?" Tony said while thinking about it. "It's just a fun addition. We have enough to fill our days with work, home and Lorelai's lovers."

Gareth grabbed Mackenzie's arm and shook his head at her.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to pry," Mackenzie apologized blushing at Gareth's reprimand and how she had just stuck her nose in something that did not concern her.

"You're not. Dragon, let the woman ask her questions. You're among friends and we'll happily share our experiences." Tony pointed at the very tall man. "He's her lover. She can go to him whenever she wants and her Mistress too if she wants that. Sometimes we all share her together."
"And you're ok with that?"
"It took some getting used to, not because I'm jealous or don't want her to have her fun. There were... Issues. We worked it out."

The casualness of the way Tony spoke was new to Gareth. He had known Tony as a super controlling and possessive man, how he had gone from that to accepting Lorelai having lovers was a bit of a shock. Then again if they were ok with it, he had no objections, and he did not mind Mackenzie asking her questions, she had a right to know, hopefully it was not something she would want him to agree to, because that would be hard. A single extra player, sure. Doing shows with no physical contact, sure too. But with Mackenzie's past he did not ever want her in an orgy or to be used by multiple strangers.

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