Drafted: Same Sides of Different Coins (Fem!Tommy & Tommy)

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(A/N: that kermit and dark kermit meme but it's me telling myself to actually do requests for once and get back some motivation.
so anyways I have no motivation. sorry. today has just been really tiring aha,,,, but!! you guys can have this snippet of a fic (out of like 4 fics) that I'm currently working on! you will get no context. have fun!
tw: discussion of heavy themes like death & suicide. nothing graphic, but pls read w/ caution!)

Thea knows dreams. Sometimes she remembers them, other times she doesn't. Most of the time, however, they're just that: dreams. There isn't any prophet blood in her, so she knows that her dreams won't come true, and she certainly isn't cursed to have prophetic dreams.

The place she has found herself in is most definitely not a dream. Everything feels too real for it to just be a normal one. Something important is happening.

She stands in the middle of a long, fully white hallway. In the distance, she can see a figure sitting on something, so she supposes she'll just have to go there. The sheer brightness and light of everything around her is a little harsh and honestly a bad design choice, but who is she to judge?

Her eyes widen as she steps foot into the apparent garden at the end of the hallway. TommyInnit is sitting on a swing, idly swinging back and forth. He's dressed in a red and white polo shirt, and light brown pants. He looks healthy and well, but based on everything that has happened, Thea suspects that he's probably everything but.

"Hey," she settles on saying. "Mind if I join you?"

"Who are you?" TommyInnit looks up and asks her, guarded and with tired eyes. "Oh wait, nevermind, you're the girl."

Thea scrutinises him, and once again, she wonders what pushed him to take his own life. It is morbid, but she wonders what had been the last twig for him, the snapping point.

"I'm Thea," she replies. "You must be TommyInnit. You shoved me into your body to fix your shit. That's quite rude, you know?"

"It wasn't my fucking choice," TommyInnit snaps. "And stop calling me by my full name. That's weird. And I didn't shove you into anything; I didn't even know you existed!"

"Tommy, then," Thea simply hums, heading to sit down next to him on the swing after a brief nod. "Then who the fuck sent me here? Because I really didn't have the time, energy, or want to do... whatever I'm supposed to do."

"I mean, I don't know their name, but they're a god... if that helps at all."

"It doesn't, but I appreciate your sentiment, so thanks," she says sincerely, because Tommy looks like he hasn't gotten any positive words said to him in a long time. She hears him suck in a sharp breath, but he stays quiet.

They sit in silence, slowly swinging back and forth on the swing.

"So," Thea eventually speaks up, after a long bout of silence. "Not to ruin the mood here, but why did you do it?"

"I don't- it's complicated," Tommy sighs, looking at his hands. "I just wanted to be free from Dr- from Dream."

"I guess freedom didn't free you like you thought, huh?" Thea says, amusement in her voice despite their topic. Tommy barks out a harsh laugh, curling on himself slightly.

"You could say that again," he responds, bitter amusement in his own voice. "It's not that I don't regret it, it's just that... at the time, I guess it seemed like the better option. I wouldn't have to worry about- about him anymore, I didn't need to suffer anymore... it's nice, in a way."

"Well, do you miss it?"

"I- what?"

"Being alive," Thea clarifies, swinging her legs in a way she hasn't gotten to do ever since the war on the empire started. "Do you miss that? Did you really want to die? Do you miss everyone?"

Tommy flinches, and his mouth opens and closes like a fish's. Thea finds it kind of hilarious. "I- I don't..."

"Yeah, neither do most of them," she murmurs, and it leaves a silence that neither of them are quite sure how to reply to. Finally, Tommy hops off the swing, and clears his throat.

"The Big Guy wants to see you now," he says. "Don't ask me how I know that they want to see you now. Just- you should go before they force you to. Down the hallway again, it'll lead to them eventually."

"Alright," Thea shrugs, standing up. "One last question though: are you okay?"

Tommy's face goes through a myriad of emotions, before settling on quiet resignation. "I will be."

"Guess that's the best you could probably do," she says, and turns to walk away before Tommy can give her a response. She has other things to worry about than him, no matter how much she wants to continue talking to him. Like the fact that there is a god who wants to speak to her, for one.

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