[R] A Frozen Point (Tommy & DreamXD)

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(A/N: Akairyc: could it be considered a request to continue chapter "A Snapping Point?"
you didn't actually describe what you wanted so i kinda,,, made something up? hope that's okay
cw for: xd being a manipulative asshole that's more powerful than dream & unreliable narrator in the form of traumatised teen tommyinnit :3)

Tommy feels like he's in limbo. His emotions are... well, they are certainly there, but it's like they're muted. His thoughts, too.

Still, he has more important things to worry about.

"Well done," Exdee croons to him sweetly, as Tommy steps away from the body. "You've done well, my young champion! Much better than I expected!"

The praise sends a shiver of pleasure through his spine. Still, though, he can't bear to look at Dream's... corpse. It hasn't despawned yet; must be intervention from Exdee or something like that.

"Of course not," Exdee laughs in his head. "I would've told you if I decided to do something like that. Players like you and him need time to recover from... extensive injuries."

"I did that to him?" Tommy whispers, still not looking in front of him as he continues walking backwards.

"Yes, you did, and you did it so brilliantly too!"

A smile spreads across his face, and he giggles, light and happy and free. The grip on his sword feels all the more dangerous to wield, yet so right to do so.

"Thank you for your help," he says to the god sincerely. "Really."

"It's no trouble for me," Exdee tells him, satisfaction in their tone. "Dream has been... less than satisfactory, and it was about due time someone put him in his place."

Tommy nods, agreeing with the words. His grip tightens around the sword that Exdee has given him, and he realises. "Oh, right, the sword-"

"Keep it."


Exdee huffs. "Keep it. It's yours now. You've proven that you've deserved it, after all."

Tommy glances at the sword in awe. Such a powerful weapon like this, and it's for him to keep? It almost feels too good to be true."

"Thank you," he thanks them again.

"It's no problem," Exdee says lazily. "Now, what will you name it?"

Tommy blinks. "Huh?"

"Every weapon needs a name," Exdee explains calmly. "One day, it might even turn into something else, something more fitting for such a wonderful champion like you. For now, though, it will be a sword; a loyal companion to stay by your side, just as I shall do. Now, Theseus, what name shall you pick for your sword?"

Tommy doesn't ask how Exdee knows his full first name. He turns the sword over, looking at its golden hilt, the way the edges curl up to form something resembling horns, the way rings hang and clink from it.

"Minotaur," he decides, spinning it around. He feels a hum ring through the sword, and almost drops it, if it isn't for Exdee's delighted noise in his head.

"Oh, clever name!" Exdee coos, as if they had been expecting that name. "A fan of myths, I see. Wonderful."

"Thanks," Tommy mumbles bashfully, putting the sword away. Exdee doesn't complain against that, and Tommy looks up as he sees Dream's body disappear in a white poof of smoke.

"That took long enough," Exdee sighs. "Now, Tommy, we have work to do. While your form is splendid, especially for your age, it could be better. You know that, don't you?"

Tommy nods. He'll do anything to prove himself to the god, to prove himself worthy of their help and praise. "Yes, I do."

"Wonderful. We'll start off easy first, to give you an idea of what exactly I expect from my champions," Exdee hums. "We should focus more on your defence; you won't be useful if you can only attack and not defend, after all."

"I'll train hard!" Tommy exclaims determinedly. "I'll be useful for you, I promise!"

"Enthusiastic, I like it," Exdee grins. Tommy feels something settle inside his mind, and his ears twitch at the sound of rustling nearby.

"On second thought," Exdee says, their tone shifting into something far more angry and dangerous, and Tommy is already pulling out Minotaur before Exdee needs to tell him to do so. "Tommy, my little champion, it seems you will have far more of a... unique first challenge. Or, well, second."

"I'm ready for it," Tommy whispers firmly, standing on guard as he glances around.

"Good," Exdee says. "I'll give you a boost on your abilities, of course, since I doubt you'll be able to hold two other champions off so easily. They both have their weaknesses, ones that I want you to try to point out and use against them. Understood?"

Tommy nods as he sees two people burst out of the forests, both dressed in full armour and holding gleaming axes. Technoblade and Philza.

"Oneza and the Blood God's champions," Exdee murmurs sharply. "How... inconvenient. No matter, you do what I tell you to do. If I say retreat, you retreat. If I say continue, you continue. Is that understood, Theseus?"

"Tommy," Philza calls out to him, wings spread behind him, gleaming a dark green. "Are you... is everything okay?"

"Understood," Tommy says, monotonically, and Philza's breath hitches as Technoblade steps forwards as well, a red aura emitting from him.

"Good," Exdee purrs. Then, their voice darkens, as they command, "Now strike."

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