[R] We're Strangers To Love (Purpled & Tommy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. in this they are brothers!! despite the title this is not romantic in any sort of way!! okay psa done. also it doesn't really fit but I wasn't sure how to fit in 'rest of smp bullying' bcos they would,,, never do that so)

There's a knock on Tommy's door as he's in the middle of rearranging the items in his chests. With a small frown and a slight feeling of annoyance at being interrupted, he calls out, "Come in!" as he opens the door.

Almost immediately, his annoyance turns to horror, then to worry, as Purpled stumbles into his house, nearly falling over. Blood is splattered all over his previously purple clothes, and he's pretty sure there's even some blood leaking out of him. "Purr? What-"

"Tell you later," Purpled says, pushing past him, limping slightly. "Where do you keep your medkit?"

"In the higher cabinets," Tommy responds, already making his way there. "I don't know what happened to you, but sit down, you're gonna make your injuries worse."

He hears Purpled collapse onto his sofa, probably getting blood over it, but all Tommy can care about is getting the medkit, tending to his wounds, and finding out just what the hell has been going on to Purpled. That is, if the other will tell him. If not, Tommy can always do some investigating on his own.

He quickly returns with gauze and some gel, and sits down next to Purpled. "Do you want me around?"

Purpled shifts and winces. "Yeah. Might- might need some help here."

For the next half an hour, the two spend time in relative silence wrapping up Purpled's wounds. It's worse than what Tommy had previously thought; whatever happened to Purpled, it's bad.

Mobs couldn't have done anything as bloody as this, which leaves only players. But for as long as Tommy has known Purpled, he has never been the one to make enemies. Tommy has always been the one to start things. So just who would do something to Purpled, to the point where he looks like this?

"What happened?" he asks softly. "Purr, what happened?"

"Nothing!" Purpled snaps, quick and sharp, and Tommy flinches back. The other sighs, and says again, this time gentler. "It's nothing, Toms. Don't worry about it."

Tommy looks at the sheer number of gauze wrappings around Purpled's body, and frowns.

"Please," Tommy says quietly. "I want to help."

He even adds his patented puppy eyes. As expected, Purpled crumbles. Only, when Tommy hears what

And Purpled spills about everything that Tommy has somehow missed. The Egg, its freaky mind controlling, how half of the server is already under its control, how he was almost indoctrinated into its cult before managing to break out, and how everyone else started to attack him. He talks about every single thing the 'Eggpire' has been doing, about every single member that has been lost to the vines, and more.

By the end of it, he's panting, and Tommy's going through a lot of realisations. Namely, the way he has somehow been able to miss all of this, and go about his merry days, all the while Purpled has been practically dealing with the brunt of it.

"Fuck," he breathes out shakily. "Fuck."

"Yeah," Purpled winces. "'Fuck' is the correct response."

"Why didn't you tell someone?" he asks.

Purpled scoffs, his tiredness showing clearly in his eyes. "It's not like I could've. Everyone was either not my friend, mind controlled, or- you're my last ally. I can't- I don't know what to do, Tommy."

There are a lot of choices that he can make. He could run away with Purpled, but that wouldn't make much of a difference, because they'll come chasing eventually. He could seek out allies, but with him being, well, him, it probably wouldn't work. He could leave Purpled to deal with the Eggpire alone, but that thought is unfathomable.

In the end, he makes a decision.

"We'll get through this together," Tommy says fiercely. He doesn't want to be the hero anymore, not after everything that has happened to him, but for Purpled? For Purpled, he'll help. It's the least he can do, anyways.

Purpled doesn't respond. The two of them eventually fall asleep.

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