[R] A Familiar Relationship (Techno & Tommy)

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(A/N: BridgeSpider: May I request as part two of either 6 or 17 please? I don't mind which!
uhhh I'm doing both ig?? anyways if this isn't the right 6 (technodad) or 17 (painful chants) then i am terribly sorry.
also it's those chapters ignoring the request chapter)


Ever since Techno had that muting accident which revealed his and Tommy's true relation, things hadn't changed.

Not world-shatteringly so, at least. Sure, they trended on Twitter for a bit, Techno received direct messages from some of his friends about this, and they had to have a stream to clear everything up, but other than those and a few others, things hadn't changed.

In fact, the only 'con' in this was his and Tommy's biological mother's visit, just a few hours ago.

Techno had no idea where she had the confidence or money to fly over and demand money, but he would've chased her out the moment she'd knocked on his door and pretended to care for them like a real, loving mother, only to then demand money from them on the basis that she was their mother, and she and their father needed the money to probably waste.

They could've refuse her. They should've refused her. Techno was already getting out the broom when she had the audacity to criticise Tommy's Internet persona — at least he was earning money and doing something with his life by doing so.

But Tommy, for all of his hatred of their biological family, was still too kind. So, their mother left with her money, and they were left with even more hatred.

But that was a few hours ago. At this moment, they were discussing their group's dynamics.

"Does this mean our- that our Sleepy Boys dynamics will have to be changed now?" Wilbur asked jokingly. "Like- like, is Techno the uncle and Tommy his son, while I'm Phil's son?"

"Well that wouldn't make sense," Tommy piped up. "'Cause, like, our original dynamic was that we were all an intermediate family, yeah?"

"Well, yeah, but family doesn't have to be that," Wilbur shot back. "Like- okay, it's not exactly about the family dynamic, it's more of what you would be calling Techno. 'Cause, like, going by the whole brothers thing, if Phil's my dad and Techno's my brother, then you're-"

"Don't you fuckin' dare finish that sentence," Tommy said, and Wilbur laughed.

"The world may never know," Phil laughed.

Techno shrugged, and answered, "Does it really matter what Tommy calls me? I'll still care for him anyway."

"Awwww," both Wilbur and Phil cooed, and Tommy spluttered. Even if Techno couldn't see his face right now, he just knew that Tommy's face was bright red.

They quickly moved topics after that.

Later, though, when Tommy came into his room and asked if he really had meant what he'd said to Wilbur and Phil earlier, what else could Techno do but hug him?

Because it was true. They didn't need their mother, or their father, or any other members of their biological family. They had each other, and that was alright.

Painful Chants

When Tommy woke up, the voices assaulted him again.

End for the end god!
you're a little guy
End for the end goddd
oh boy ur in for a surprise lil guy
lol in exile

He winced; they were much softer than they had been yesterday, but that didn't mean they weren't loud. With a sigh, Tommy got up — Dream would be coming by soon enough, and Tommy had to prepare himself beforehand.

He started his daily routine of collecting new materials, chopping down trees, and just... wasting time until Dream came.

Yet, as the Sun rose and set, Dream still hadn't arrived. Tommy's brows furrowed, as he stood at the border edge where Dream would usually show up. Was this another one of his tricks? Was this a test?

Tommy didn't have to wait long for someone to show up, at least.

Something pink peeked out of the bushes. The figure — what was Techno doing here?! — walked out.

Tommy froze.

In all of his years staying with Techno, with his Dad, he had never seen him so... covered in blood before.

"Techno?" he spoke out quietly, flinching when the other's eyes snapped towards him; completely red, completely under his voices' control.

As Techno moved closer, Tommy didn't even bother moving away; he closed his eyes, and prepared to die.

However, instead of something sharp piercing his skin, he was dragged with arms into a warm embrace.

"Shhh," Tec-Dad murmured. "I've got you now. Dream won't hurt you anymore. I have you now. You're safe."

Tommy... honestly had no idea what he was talking about. Yet, despite himself, tears began to fall.

The voices didn't matter at this time. Dream didn't matter at this time. Exile, Logstedshire, L'Manburg — none of it mattered right now.

All that mattered was the warm feeling surrounding him, and being able to feel his Dad's arms around him for the first time in a long while.

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