The Graveyard (Tommy & Tubbo & Ranboo)

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(A/N: tired. today was blegh so im not in the mood to do reqs today (also it's kinda late by the time I'm writing this) so have this :3
it's a wip from a gift fic for someone with changes
song is Graveyard by Marah in the Mainsail it's a nice song please go listen)

In every server, no matter how big or small, there would somehow always be a graveyard, filled with nameless headstones of many different shapes, with leafless trees and overgrown weeds. Nobody knew where or how it had come to be, and any attempts at removing it would only result in misery and misfortune, so for the most part, people left it alone.

If one was to head to the graveyard at a specific time, however, they would eventually hear a song, and see three figures appear, standing on branches of trees, often next to each other.

"In the graveyard grove, near the groundsman's keep," the first to sing was always the golden haired boy, blue eyes twinkling as he hopped from the branches, grinning at the crows that flew away.

"Where the owls don't crow, and the birds don't sing," the next one to sing would be the brunet next to him, a green laurel crown resting on his head as he hopped down after the first.

"Where your heart's stone cold and your blood don't bleed," the last one to sing was a boy with split black and white hair, heterochromatic red and green eyes peering down at any other beings that might be near as he followed the other two.

"God rest your troubled, troubled, troubled soul," all three of them would chorus. If one was to look closer, they would notice that their eyes were glowing. Not that one needed to all that much; the graveyard was always dark, no matter the time of day.

These boys were the guardians of the graveyard. Though they seemed young, they were far older than most Admins or Server Creators. They were able to appear on multiple servers at the same time, although there were only the three of them. No clones, no duplicates, just the three of them.

They were something akin to actual gods. They had the ability to grant wishes and curses, give people items that weren't available even with modded packs, bring them fortune and misfortune depending on first meetings, and more.

Sometimes, occasionally, they liked to pretend otherwise. They pretended that they weren't the guardians of the 'Worldyard', as most people called it. They donned illusions, dimmed their powerful auras, and hopped into a server to cause mischief. The current one they were staying in was called the Dream SMP; a server ran by a speedrunner with a god complex, trying to pull the strings of everyone around him, unaware that 1) there were actual gods on his server, and 2) they were the people he was trying to 'manipulate' the most.

Of course, to most people, they simply acted like teenage boys; albeit, ones that were just slightly weird. Nobody knew of the power they wielded in their bodies, nor of what they truly knew. And they were perfectly happy to keep it at that.

As time passed, though, it became... boring. Power shifted beneath their skin, restless and ever-moving and demanding to be released. Now, let it be known that the boys were pretty patient people. They were good at keeping the secrets that mattered, good at acting and lying and faking it until they made it.

This? This was an entirely different thing. This was part of their nature, their very soul itself. They could resist, sure, but eventually, the power had to be released somehow, and if they didn't do something now, it might just explode outwardly, which would not be fun to explain to those they knew on the server.

"You know," Tubbo mused one day, as he plucked twigs from Tommy's hair, from when he'd sent the other tumbling into a pile of sticks in the graveyard. "We haven't appeared here once, have we?"

"Nope," Tommy responded, glancing over at Ranboo, who was gently teaching Michael some more words. "Do you wanna?"

"Hmm," Tubbo tilted his head, and a moment later, the sky went dark, a loud raven's cry echoing through the entire server. Ranboo and Tommy's heads snapped to him so fast he was mildly surprised by their speed.

"At least give us a warning first," Ranboo frowned, lifting Michael up. "You guys go first, I'll catch up later after I put Michael to sleep."

"Of course, of course," Tubbo waved him away with a smile as he and Tommy dropped through the floor. He closed his eyes, and a pulling motion later, he opened them and found himself standing on the tree branch.

He and Tommy shared a mischievous look.

Time to wait for the first person.

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